Now not then

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After the afternoon tea, Yoonhee and Yoonchul had to head back to work, thus, asking Mari to take everyone home.

But apparently, the youngsters wanted some dating time, so they all ditched Mari alone.

"Omma, we can go alone, you go ahead and find Appa!" Jenny spoke, as she runs a few steps to Wonjoon, holding his hand, finally.

Seokhoon and Rona laughed a bit at Wonjoon's bulged eyes of excitement. They bowed at Mari before walking off, hand in hand.

Wonjoon bowed deeply at Mari, as she sighed, seeing these children off on their dates.

"Well." Mari awkwardly, "ain't they all grown up already." She smiled, a little touched.

She waves for a cab and heads back to Hera Palace.

Yoonchul and Yoonhee, a little eased up than before, walked along the empty path.

Yoonchul laughs a little awkwardly, Yoonhee smiles at his clumsiness, like old times.

"So, how's the work at John Bio?" Yoonhee asked, casually.

"Ah, not bad. Been investigating new medicine that can help more people with less resources." Yoonchul laughed, shyly, rubbing his hand over the back of his head.

"That's good." Yoonhee smiled. "Always been hoping to see you like this. Using your medical knowledge on great things. I'm glad you chose to be back." Yoonhee spoke, genuinely.

Yoonchul smiled.

Suddenly, something crossed his mind.

"Yoonhee." Yoonchul called, "did you remember the time, when we were in jail, did you know about Eunbyeol's situation?"

"What about her?" Yoonhee tried to recall.

They were separated in cells, and she was not with Sojin, thus, she had been just alone, caring her own business.

"Did you remember Eunbyeol's attempt to attack Rona again, but Seokhoon helped to block it out?" Yoonchul spoke, worried.

Yoonhee sighed. "I recall. I was worried about Rona but I didn't realise Seokhoon's bravery to protect Rona."

"Eunbyeol has mental illnesses." Yoonchul confessed.

Yoonhee was shocked.

"What? How?"

"All these time, since her first entry into ChungAh, her mother, Cheon Sojin was the monster that put her into that state." Yoonchul clenches his fist, angered.

"Mwo? Crazy!"

"But..." Yoonchul spoke, "I picked up something disturbing."

"What is it?"

Yoonchul reaches for his suit pocket and took a small clear packet with a red pill in it.

"This medicine that helps patients to ease with headaches and anxiety, " Yoonchul looks at the pill, "that Cheon Sojin takes from the Chung Ah Medical Center."

"What about it?"

"An overdose of this medicine will have side effects of early dementia. Some people used to sell these in the black market too, to people who could not afford heavy medical fees. "


"Nae. And I am suspecting Eunbyeol is overdosing this medication to ease her anxiety and stress." Yoonchul sighs, angered. "She drowns herself in it."  Yoonchul clenches his fist, "and I'm suspecting Cheon Sojin is encouraging it."

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now