Happy Birthday

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"She's on her way here!!!! Get ready!" Seokkyung hurried everyone to get ready as she receives a text from Logan. 

Everyone brushes their clothing and hair, the maids had all the meals ready. 

Seokkyung carefully holds onto the cake prepared for Suryeon, and Seokhoon helped her light the candles. 

"Careful," Seokhoon gently holds the candles in place. Seokkyung nods. 

Seokkyung hurried her steps a little and hid right at the corner of the corridor. Everyone hid behind her. 

"Is this all necessary?" Wonjoon whispered. 

Seokhoon looks a little at him. 

"Almost!" Seokkyung whispered. 

Logan opens the door to the Penthouse for Suryeon. They both walked along the small corridor, chatting about new plans in Suryeon's furniture business. 

Suryeon didn't spot a difference to the Penthouse, as apparently, since the kids went to college, the house has been quiet most of the time. Only one thing she had questioned, was that the maids were not there to attend for her return. 

"This is a little weird, where are the maids?" Suryeon asked. 

"Ah. I called a few hours ago, and prepared a meal for you." Logan spoke, "they must be busy cooking." 

Suryeon smiled. "You didn't need to do all this." 

Logan smiled. "As long as you are happy, I am happy." 

Suryeon sighed a little. "I wish the kids are around. But I wouldn't blame them. I never told them my birthday since."

As Suryeon spoke that, the lights went off, and the house was pitch black. 

Suryeon immediately got a little frightened and hid in Logan's arms. 

Suddenly, the sounds of singing came towards her. 

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Omma, Happy Birthday to you!!" 

Seokkyung walks slowly with the cake in front of her, and the shimmering candle flame blinked before her. 

Suryeon turned to see Seokkyung, Seokhoon, Rona, Jenny and Wonjoon before her, with a huge cake and big smiles. 

"Omma. Happy Birthday!" Seokkyung exclaimed. 

Suryeon was extremely touched. 

Not only did she had a birthday with Logan together and her regular birthday coffee, but she also had such a surprise from her own children, whom she had not celebrated together for a long time. Finally, she had the chance to truly be with her children, without worries and shame. 

"Omma! Make a wish first!" 

Suryeon closed her eyes and held her hands together. 

She made a wish. 

All be well.  

And blew out the candles. 

Everyone clapped and Seokhoon went to turn on the lights, revealing the beautifully decorated Penthouse. The Hera Palace finally had a bit of humane warmth, and the feeling of family again. 

"Omma do you like everything?" Seokkyung held onto Suryeon's arm tightly, hugging her. 

"I love it, dear, thank you." Suryeon held onto Seokkyung's hand tightly. 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now