Sweetness cannot be hidden

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The rain stopped after a few hours and it was evening already. 

"Are we having a family dinner tonight?" Seokkyung asked Seokhoon as they exited the cafe.

"I think so," Seokhoon spoke as he scroll through his phone in one hand and held onto Rona's hand in the other. "Omma told me and Rona to go get some cakes for tonight." 

"Not Rona and you, it's just you." Seokkyung sees Seokhoon through. 

Rona giggled. "I don't mind." 

"See," Seokhoon spoke proudly, bickering back to his sister, holding Rona's hand tighter. 

Seokkyung rolled her eyes. 

"Anyways, I'll meet you back home. I need to head back to school first for some measurements on InYoup for the new fashion show." 

Seokhoon and Rona nodded. 

"Come on InYoup," Seokkyung called to InYoup and he quietly follows behind Seokkyung obediently. 

"Wow..." Rona couldn't help to comment. "InYoup really follows Seokkyung wherever she goes... do you suspect..." 

Seokhoon sighed, "I already gave up." 

Rona laughed. "Aww, InYoup is a great guy. If anything happens, Seokkyung will be well protected and loved I am sure." 

"He better," Seokhoon commented as they see the two leave further away from them. 

Rona looked to Seokhoon, "shall we get some cake then?" 

Seokhoon nodded happily, and the lovers swung their hands along the small streets towards their favourite bakery in the neighbourhood. 

Soon after they purchased the cakes, they returned to the Penthouse, got changed and rested in the community room. 

They plopped themselves down on the sofa next to the window near the hallway. 

They relaxed their body after a strenuous day of drama and groceries.  

"InYoup is such a cool guy. He is like a sunbae that could teach us so much." Rona spoke as she curled herself close to Seokhoon.

She laid her two legs across Seokhoon's lap and Seokhoon covered her legs with a soft blanket.

"He is pretty chill. And mature." Seokhoon smiled.

He brushes Rona's hair softly, admiring her features. "But I am more proud of my girl. I am sure Yoonhee ahjuma would be proud of your decision." He spoke, "I mean eventually you need to tell her what you did."

Rona smiled and did a small cute shrug. "I will, but I don't know. It is a weird feeling breaking away from a family I used to care a lot about, and then knowing he has his own family now."

"Because you have your own family now," Seokhoon leaned close to Rona. The tips of their noses touch each other. "You have me."

Rona giggled as she laid her arms over Seokhoon's shoulders. "Indeed I do." She whispered. 

"I thought about it a lot today, Seokhoon..." Rona continued as she looked deep into his eyes. "When I was doubting my decision, I simply looked to you, and I found reassurance." 

Seokhoon smiled, as he used his two strong arms to pull Rona closer to him. 

"I saw your smile. And I knew, my heart and my future reside with you." 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now