So glad to have you with me

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"Wah, what kind of crazy strength is this?" Mari commented as she observes the marks on Rona's neck. 

The bruises were quite serious. Purple, Pink, Blue. 

"Are you feeling alright?" Seokhoon held Rona's hand tight as the doctor checks on Rona's wounds. 

"Yes. I actually breathe quite alright and it's not as painful as it looks I guess." Rona comforted the worried Seokhoon. 

The doctor checks Rona's bruises and asked her to turn her neck left and right, to make sure she breathes properly. 

Yoonhee and Suryeon follow behind and arrive at the emergency ward where Rona was. 

"Doctor, I am Rona's mother, is she okay?" Yoonhee asked the doctor. 

"Yes." The doctor smiled. "The bruises seem strong but it's merely some skin trauma. The bruises will fade in a day or two." He reads his notes and writes a note for the group. "You can get this bruise relieving cream at the pharmacy later." He hands the slip to Yoonhee and they thank the doctor. 

Jenny sits by Rona's bedside, still worried about her state. 

"Rona are you really alright?" 

"I am really, did you not hear what the doctor say?" Rona smiled. 

Seokhoon gently caresses the bruises. He just couldn't bear all the pain Rona is going through. 

"I can't stand Ha Eunbyeol anymore." Seokhoon punches his fist onto the bed. 

Suryeon comforts Seokhoon, putting her hands on Seokhoon's shoulders. 

She and Yoonhee sighs. 

Even the usual jolly Jenny and Wonjoon weren't feeling jolly today. 

Seokhoon held Rona's hand tight. 

"Sorry, we have to spend our night like this." He whispered. 

Rona smiled, softly touching Seokhoon's cheeks. 

"It's okay. I have you here with me, that's all I need." 

Everything still observes Rona's wounds, and couldn't help but worry for her. Especially if her vocal cords would be damaged or so. But after a few more checks, the doctors reconfirm again and again that Rona is fine. 

Rona was glad that everyone was worried about her, but on her mind, she had another one she had worried about. 

"Ahjuma, what about Ha Eunbyeol?" Rona asked Suryeon. 

Suryeon looked to Rona worried. It was sure not the time for her to think about her perpetrator. 

Yet Rona's personality is so, kind, nice, loving. 

She knew from the start, Eunbyeol was not alright with the red pill Cheon Sojin puts on her, she must have acted upon the influence of it. 

"Rona. Stop being kind to her!" Jenny yelled at Rona, quite impatient herself. Wonjoon comforted Jenny. "If she didn't choke you this time, and turned to stab you, would you still be so nice to her?" 

Jenny couldn't help but feel angry and frustrated for Rona. 

Rona felt bad for Jenny. 

Despite agreeing with Jenny, Seokhoon looks to Rona and understood the reason behind her question. 

"I agree with Jenny, but we also need to know what happened to Ha Eunbyeol." 

He looks to Suryeon. 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now