Different lives

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"How's life?" Won Joon asked as they leave their first lecture, he puts his arms over Seokhoon's shoulders. 

Seokhoon was left a little shocked. 

He was not used to people being so closed to him, especially someone he hasn't seen for a long time, or maybe not even familiar at all.

 He gently put WonJoon's hands away. 

"I'm alright," Seokhoon commented. 

Won Joon notices Seokhoon's chilled character and was not surprised. But he was quite determined that he has to make this friend. 

"So, I've heard you've been a big character around here. Did you know there were so many of your fans standing outside this hall, just to see you?" Won Joon laughed 

Seokhoon squeezed an awkward smile. 

He didn't want attention. Not that when all that has happened to him, to the Penthouse... he really didn't want to be a public figure. But apparently, his performances and creations during his time at Chung-Ah had owned him a big name in the music industry. The girls in his class thought they had not made a big fuss enough to take photos of him, he noticed them quite well. 

He lets out a sigh. 

How much he wished Rona was with him. 

Won Joon snapped him out of thought and invited him for lunch. Seokhoon had hesitated a little at first, but decided, why avoid a possible friend when he might not have any. 


Seokhoon follows Won Joon to the catering halls. And of course, along the way, a bunch of girls been following them. 

Seokhoon honestly wondered why the girls would give so much attention for him. Won Joon quite enjoyed the funny moments and even offered to collect the gifts for Seokhoon. Seokhoon wanted to reject them, but Won Joon was like why not. 

They sat down for a meal and probably finally getting a little chilled moment. 

Two girls came and sat next to Seokhoon and WonJoon. 

"Annyeong, Shim Seokhoon!" The brunette girl handed her hand out to Seokhoon. "I'm Yeri. I'm in your music class! We're going to be classmates for the next five years, please take care of me!" 

Yeri smiles. 

Seokhoon looked at her, coldly. Yeri and her friend felt chills through their backbone through Seokhoon's sight. Seokhoon was not an easy character. 

"What do you want?" Seokhoon asked coldly. If the kids of Penthouse had seen Seokhoon's face at that moment, they would have recalled the moments Seokhoon was King at Chung Ah, ruling over the students with his cold and aggressive attitude. 

"I just thought we can be friends right? Five years! And even composing partners!" Yeri commented. 

Seokhoon was like a prophet, and he spoke to Yeri as if he could see her intentions through. 

"You like me?" Seokhoon questions. 

Yeri blushes, and leaned back, pretending to be shy. 

"You're so direct!" Yeri let out a laugh. 

Seokhoon stared at Yeri a moment and took his phone out. 

He calls a number and put it on speaker. 

The ringing call caught Yeri's attention and Won Joon and Yeri's friend. 

A girl's voice calls from the other side of the phone. 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ