No match against us

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Cheon Sojin looked at the video Yoonhee's ex-mother-in-law sent to her of Rona's breakage with Yoonchul. 

She smirked. 

"Wow, she really did it." 

Her secretary nodded at Cheon Sojin. 

"Yes, president." 

"Well, I guess we could proceed onto the next steps." She puts the phone down, crossing her arms. "Let her know, to protest at Rona's first show. I will let her in." 

"Her first show wouldn't be at the Chung Ah Music Center in SNU." Sojin's secretary informed, unfortunately. 

"What? Nobody told me!" Cheon Sojin stood from her seat. 

"Clark has arranged it to be at the Seoul National Opera House." 

"At her age? She barely completed university!" Cheon Sojin snarled. 

"But Clark has just announced to his colleagues in Italy to come to Korea this weekend to proceed on the performance." 

Cheon Sojin tried to hold in her anger, but she exploded, smashing her cups on the floor. It shocked her secretary a little, but he immediately cared if Cheon Sojin was hurt. 


"Get her working again. Mess it up I don't care." Cheon Sojin screamed.  

"President, are you sure, we are under review." Her secretary spoke worried. "And Ms Eunbyeol's guardianship has officially reached Ha Yoonchul." 

Cheon Sojin felt her first defeat. But she was determined to disrupt it all. 

If I don't get to win, you won't as well. 

"It's not my job, it's Oh Yoonhee's mother in law's job." She smirked. "Just get it done." She sat back down angrily, biting her inner lips hard, holding in her waves of anger. 

But. She will be no match against the team. 

Since the incident, Logan had gathered the adults, Seokhoon and InYoup to help out with plans against Cheon Sojin. Seokhoon suggested supporting the team, as he could not bear anything happening to his girl. And with appreciation to InYoup's tech abilities, Logan had approved InYoup in helping out. 

Clark had also been informed more about Cheon Sojin's situation from Suryeon. And with his powers, he had moved the first Prima Donna performance earlier, with the help of his team in Italy. 

"No worries, Suryeon-ssi. Rona will be a great Prima Donna. Everything will be arranged." Clark spoke over the phone. "Leave it all to me." 

"Thank you, Clark. I appreciate your love and support for our Rona." 

"She deserves it. I will give her a video call to discuss details." 

"Thank you, let's catch up again after all this mess." 

"Take care." Clark cared. 

Suryeon ends the call. 

"Clark just informed me that Rona's first Prima Donna show would be at the Seoul National Opera House. We won't be doing it at the Chung Ah Art Center in SNU." Suryeon got off the phone and walks to the crew sitting at the community room of Hera Palace. 

"Serves her well. Rona should not be there to perform. An empty Art Center for nothing." Yoonchul smirked. 

"Cheon Sojin's bad name has already been spread. She would have limited powers from now on, even at her own music centre." Logan suggested. 

WHAT IF- Rona x Seokhoon (Penthouse) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now