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Place, Ninjago movie and Lloyd's apartment

Lloyd got changed and jumped in his bed watching TV.His window opened slightly as Harumi jumped in with a black and jade gi

"Hey Lloyde"Harumi smirked sitting on Lloyd's bed.

"What do you want?"Lloyd asked facing the wall.After her change to the Quiet one to a ninja Lloyd quit the team.

" Don't be like that.Anyway We're making a new team.And I thought maybe my boyfriend would like to join?"Harumi asked moving closer to Lloyd.

" Ex Boyfriend remember."Lloyd snapped.

"Cmon.We were perfect.Until I found out you were the Green ninja and me the Quiet one but Cmon."Harumi took Lloyd's duvet off climbing under.Lloyd let out a sigh.Harumi smirked before kissing Lloyd's cheek.

"Please Lloyd.I want you I love you.You love me aswell."Harumi continued.Lloyd still didn't answer.

" Fine well my numbers in your phone,text me if you want the location.And Lloyd?"Harumi asked getting Lloyd's attention."I know everything that happened with your dad is tough.If you want to talk to me you can."Harumi winked jumping out the window.

1 hour later.
'I can't stop thinking about what Harumi said I mean I miss her alot so I guess I should see her.'Lloyd thought to himself.

"You changed your mind?"Harumi asked hopefully.

" Yeah, and I came to ask you something.Harumi jade will you be my Girlfriend again."Lloyd said hand in hand With Harumi.

"You know I will greenie."Harumi replied playfully.

"I know I just wanted to hear you say it~"Lloyd smirked.

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