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"Harumi stop please I can bring your parents back!"Harumi stopped setting up the ritual to listin to Lloyd."Liar!"She snapped."Listen I can!I just need you to listen."Lloyd pleaded.Harumi brought down Lloyd's cage so they could talk."How?"Harumi asked."If I can will you stop this?"Harumi nodded."Then let me out."She smirked."How can I trust you?"She asked."How can I trust you!?" He snapped.Harumi grabbed his hand.And his cheek."Because you love me~"She dragged Lloyd to a sleeping quarters."Uh...Rumi?"He said."Wut."He scratched his neck." I'm hungry and bored."She sighed."What do you want?"She said."Uh a sandwich?"Harumi ordered him a ham sandwich."Mmm thanks I guess."Harumi looked at the innocent boy.She did kinda like him because he was cute.She walked over sitting on a bed next to him."Lloyd it's a bit sensitive but why did you push me back when I tried to kiss you?"He blushed deeply red."Guess I struck a nerve."She laughed." that?"He said trying to eat his sandwich."Just curious."She said.She looked at him for ages.Lloyd finished his sandwich and realised."What?" She was wondering how soft his lips are.She had to think of something though."Nothing.Lloyd?What would you do if I kissed you right now?"Lloyd was still blushing."IDK.You wouldn't though plus I would just run away."He said.Harumi smirked bringing his lips to hers.She was hungry for the kiss.She pulled back walking to the door."Hurry up."

It was midnight the wind howling as harumi started the ritual."VENICE!COR.DUEWHA!Ok Lloyd it's open now what?"Lloyd summond energy."Keep it open."Lloyds eyes were a bright green.He was looking for Harumi's parents."Gotcha."Lloyd's hand glowed with energy."ARGH!"Suddenly to ghosts left the realm and bodies appeared.Lloyd closed the portal sending a powerful force nocking everyone back."M...mother
Dad?Is it you?"Harumi started crying."Yes dear its us."The family shared a hug."Your so big!"They laughed."Uh Quiet one.Lloyd isn't waking up."A S.O.G member said."Quiet one?IS THAT THE GREEN NINJA!?What's he doing here?"Harumi's mum asked."He's my boyfriend...Lloyd please wake up! "
Harumi's parents comforted their child."Lloyd...No...No...THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT WAKE UP!!PLEASE!"She said shaking his body."Harumi's father put a finger on Lloyd's arm.Green energy rushing through him."He's alive...Barely."Rumi cuddled Lloyd Close to her."R...rumi?"Lloyd asked."YOUR AWAKE!What is it Lloyd?"She said smiling.""He said."So you must be mom & dad."They nodded."Well your daughter is a wonderful person.She just needs time with you guys."He said getting up."Where are you going?" Harumi asked."Home."Harumi dragged Lloyd's wrist.Pulling him in to a quick kiss then her family & Lloyd for a hug.

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