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Lloyd pov

I hold Skylor's Limp body.My team are cheering happy and don't get me wrong I was happy aswell, but I saw A building crumbling to the floor very slowly.But as soon as it will be destroyed the person on it would be dead.Harumi.I can't let her die, I can't fail her.She was broken, used, Miserable.I can't lie I still love her aswell.These feelings pile ontop of my guilt if I let her go.No.I will save her.

I turn my head to my friends.

"Darreth Take Skylor.Nya Take Them back to the base."I said as Darreth took Skylor.

"Wait, Lloyd where are you going?"Nya asked me.I got ready to jump.

"To save my love"I turned my head back to the building where harumi was on.As I jump I feel a surge of power.A strong power.It fades but I still remember it.

I jump on the last building and make my way to the floor as I see Harumi.There it is again.That power.I use it to create a barrier above Rumi protecting her.

"HURRY I CAN'T HOLD IT!"I yell.Harumi confused yet obliges and quickly runs out.When I know she's safe the barrier fades as my energy is drained.I feel myself getting limp.

"Lloyd?" Harumi asked as she caught me and rested me on the wall.I smile at her concern for me as I go unconscious.

Harumi pov
Lloyd saved me?I checked if his heart was still beating.Luckily it was.I know he loved me but after everything I've done?I just remembered how cute he was when he was asleep.I lifted his head feeling drawn to him.I cup his cheek before Slowly kissing him.It was only a short one and he was asleep.I rested his head in my chest.He was so cute.After I'm done fantasising about how I want Lloyd I'm broke out of my thoughts by Nya jumping down.

"You see how he still likes you."Nya smirked.

"Yeah,Look Nya I was a idiot to betray you and the others.Im really sorry."I pleaded still holding Lloyd.

" Its alright.Cmon let's take him back."Nya said.I agreed as we started walking.We made a detor to get alot of food before reaching there base

Time skip
I stayed with Lloyd as he slept.I stroked his cheek once in a while.I eyed him up and down.I slowly pulled up his gi that was folded near his belly button.I snuck my hand under his gi.as I felt his belly.I moved it up his gi following my movement.Then I saw his abs and his sides flowing with green energy.Lloyd woke up as I retracted my hand back before he would notice.

"Thanks for saving me baby~" I giggled as Lloyd blushed.

I held his hair as I put my hand near Lloyd's head balancing my self.I moved down and captured Lloyd's lips in a kiss.He kissed back.I slowly moved my hand up his gi massaging his abs.He moaned at my touch opening his lips enough for me to slip my tongue in his mouth.I explored every creves before pulling back

"Rumi...I love you"Lloyd said in a Lovestruck voice.

" I love you more greenie~"I giggled moving to his side.I layed next to him and cuddled him.

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