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Lloyd yelled.He coughed a bit trying to get some of the water out.Harumi smirked.

"Get Lloyd!"

"Why me?What do you want now!?"

"You'll see~"

She put the mask of hatred on and pinned Lloyd to the floor as The ninja & S.O.G fought.

"Is this what you want?Us fighting.
You care more about ninjago then you do me."

"I don't want to hurt you rumi.Let me go!"

Harumi chuckled to herself.

"Night Lloyd."

She hit his head knocking him out and started to carry him to the bounty.The S.O.G climbed abourd.

Time skip
"Ahh, my head.Hello?"

"Aww I forgot how cute you are when you sleep."

"Leave me alone."

"No.Listen.We ARE a kinderet spurts we belong with each other.But you keep choosing this Fucking city over me!So if I can't have you then I will control you."

Harumi smirked before untieing him.

"Follow me.I wanna show you something~"

They walked to a room with cctv footage of Misako.

"If I can't have you.No one can.So do as I say or she dies."

Harumi nibbled Lloyd's ear.


"Kiss me~"


"Kiss me~"

Harumi and Lloyd shared their kiss before harumi dragged him to her room.Lloyd saw a S.O.G suit.

"Put it on."

20 minutes After he puts it on
"Lloyd do you love me?"

"Of course."

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