I Miss U💚💜

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Harumi was crying in her room after being thrown, choked almost killed by garmodon.She looked at a picture of her and Lloyd.She was smiling happily in the picture.Shs grabbed  the picture and put it to her chest.Hugging it.Harumi had an idea.She found her princess outfit, put her hair in a bun and putt on lipstick.She was back to her "old" self.She climbed out the window and ran to the resistance headquarters.

Harumi pov
I hope anyone but Nya answers.If she does I'm dead.I found the front door and knocked on it twice.I heard muffled voices until somone answered.Lloyds mom misako."Please can I come in.I need to see him and I have no weapons or anyone with me."she looked up and down everywhere to see if was telling the truth."Ok."

I came in but everyone was looking at me."Im sorry.I mean it."everyone stayed silent.Lloyd broke the silence and said" Why should we trust you?"everyone nodded at his question."Because Lloyd I.... I... I have changed.And I'm sorry."I changed my mind when garmadon.Hurt me."Lloyd went to his room so I followed.I need some alone time with him.

" Ll.. Lloyd."he looked at me before saying" Why are you dressed like that."He raised a brow."Because I want to.Uh.I just thought you would prefer this me than the.I looked down at the floor twiddling my thumbs nervously."Quiet one."I approached him and sat next to him on his bed but he turned his head to the wall.I raised over and kissed his cheek and snuck my arm around his waist."Im sorry."I saw him blush."I got you something."I pulled out a key chain with misako baby Lloyd and good garmadon.However on the other side it showed his friends older Lloyd and his mom and me.He turned over to me."Rumi I... I don't know what to say."Then don't say anything."I kissed him.Ive been wanting to do that for a while now.I feel him kiss back.I back up and caressed his cheek.He loves when I do that.We both smile at each other and he falls asleep.I play with his hair before cuddling him.I leave and I'm greeted with everyone smiling.Even Nya."We trust you."They all said."Thank you."I walk back into Lloyd's room and get in bed with him cuddling him.I missed this falling asleep knowing he would be there.All of a sudden I didn't care if garmadon found me.Ive switched sides anyway.

Ngl this is cute af and something I wished happened.goodnight everyone sweet dreams if ur about to go to sleep:-)

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