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The S.O.G were heading to ninjago for the resurrection.However Harumi needed one more thing.Lloyd.She wanted him to rule with her.She tried convinceing him in the cave but it didn't work."Quiet one!"UV yelled."Its the dealer."UV pasted her the phone."Hello,Quiet one."The mysterious person said."Do you have what we spoke about."The person laughed."Of course.444 333 593.They are the coordinates."The dealer hung up."Mr E!Go here!" Harumi ordered.The princess went to see her prisoner.She walked down the hallway to the door.The S.O.G guards opened the door."Hi honey."Harumi said crouching down infront of Lloyd."Dont call me that!What do you want."Harumi say on Lloyd's legs."Soon We will be together my ninja."She caressed his cheek."Why are you the Quiet one?Of course you had to betray me like everyone else in my life."Lloyd's face changed to sadness."Don't worry this time you will betray your friends."She said smirking before leaving."Wait what do you mean!?"

"Mr E are we there?" He gave her a nod."Good.Ok everyone listen up!Stay here and make sure Lloyd does NOT escape.Understood."Everone said yes.The Quiet one walked off into the woods."Here."The dealer handed her a lipstick."So If I use this and kiss Lloyd he will be under my control?"He nodded."If he breaks free just use it again."She nodded and ran back to the bounty.She walked to where the Green ninja was kept."Hey cutie~"Lloyd blushed.Harumi applied her lipstick and sat on Lloyd pinning him against the wall."Ah...R...rumi wh...what are you doing?"He asked flusted."Its okay.I just want."She leaned into him slowly."A.Kiss."She closed the gap between them.Not a rough one just a kiss.It lasted minutes before she pulled back.Lloyds head fell to the floor."Lloyd who do you love?"Harumi asked."You."Lloyd said in a trance like state."Good.Do you work with me?Or do you want to stop me?"She asked."Work with you."Harumi gave Lloyd a quick kiss on the neck."Honey who do you hate?" She asked smirking."The ninja."

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