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Just go with it

"Master.It has arrived."A S.O.G member cowered in fear."Very well bring me it and the Quiet one."Garmadon's husky voice ordered."Yes my Emperor."The S.O.G member ran down stairs."Quiet one!Emperor needs you."Harumi ran up stairs as the S.O.G member got the potion." Harumi do you know why your here?"The Emperor asked.""
Garmadon took the potion in his hand."Good."He said before throwing it on her."AAAAA!OWOWOROEOWHAT IN THE FSM DID YOU DO!"Harumi screamed.Her arms peeled into snakes."What?"Harumi asked."You will find my son.These snakes will allow you to poison him.NOW GO!"Garmadon yelled.Harumi ran in fear.

Time skip
" Hello Lloyd."Harumi said pushing him down."What the-Rumi what did he do to you?"Lloyd asked.Harumi used her arms to trap Lloyd."Dont worry about that.I came here for you~" She inched closer to him."Ah.R...rumi what... Are you."lloyd stumbled over his words.Harumis lips clashed on Lloyd's shocking him but her kissed back.The kiss started to heat up with harumi sticking her tongue in Lloyd's mouth.He moaned at the new feeling.She brought her tongue back stil kissing him."R...umi"He said in the kiss.""She said in the kiss.""
Harumi pulled back smirking at Lloyd."Argh my head!"Lloyd yelled."ssshhhh just go to ssssleep."She petted his cheek.Lloyd blacked out.

Time skip
"Huh where am I?"Lloyd asked himself out loud."With me"Harumi said.Lloyd struggled moving before realizing he was tied down."Lloyde I missed you~" She giggled."What do you want?!Lloyd asked."Well garmadon wants you and I do.So I thought me and you could have some alone/together time."She smirked."What do you mean by that?"He asked."How about this for a hint~"She leaned in and kissed him.The kiss went on for 2 minutes before harumi pulled back."Clear enough now?"She asked.Lloyd nodded."Wait you love me?" Harumi started laughing."Im surprised it took you so long to figure it out handsome."Lloyd blushed."Rumi can we watch a film?"He asked."Yes cutie~"

Ama leave it there.

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