We Both Suck At Love

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Harumi walked in killows to see him and Ultra kissing.

"Uhhh,H-hey quiet one?"Ultra stuttered.Harumi grew angry at the sight for no reason.

"GET AWAY FROM EACH OTHER AND BACK TO WORK!"Harumi practically screamed at them.

" Garmadon said its our day off remember?"Killow said scared of the Quiet one.

"Why you mad at us for...ya know anyway?"Ultra questioned narrowing her eyes.

"Miss greenie?" Killow smirked earning a chuckle from the UV.However he earned a glare from the Quiet one.But her face softened.She walked out the door down the corridor.

'Greenie?Hehe maybe I do miss him.I don't even know anymore.'Harumi thought.She was about to click Button 4 on the elevator but stopped herself.She pressed button 3 where Lloyd was being kept.The doors opened revealing a a single door with a window.Harumi looked through the door to see Lloyd sleeping.She opened the doors causing a buz sound that woke Lloyd up.

"Sorry to wake you I just wanted to talk to someone."Harumi said.

"Im honoured?Anyway what is it about."Lloyd replied with a smile.Harumi blushed slightly before sitting next to him.

Hour of talking later
" So I guess I just got a little...Jealous I guess."Harumi said.

"Well Rumi I'm not really the master of Love knowledge so I don't know how I can help."Lloyd said.Harumi chuckled slightly.

"Yeah we suck at love."Harumi chuckled before Looking into his eyes.They weren't green but still beautiful."But I guess we got lucky with each other~" Harumi giggled before snaking an arm around Lloyd's neck as she gripped onto his golden locks.

"Uhh R-Rumi?"Lloyd stutted knowing what was about to happen.Harumi pressed her Lips on Lloyd's in a loving kiss.It was amazing.Neither wanted to let go but they were forced due to lack of air.They both savoured each others taste." I have been waiting so long for that."Lloyd said.

"You wouldn't off if you let me kiss you in the first place."Harumi smirked.Lloyd yawned as harumi snuggled into him as the air got quite cold.

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