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"Hi dad."Harumi said."Hello daughter."Felix said."So how was the robbery?"Harumi asked."Well your friend stopped me."He said trying to fix his car."You mean Lloyd?"He nodded.They started babiling about random stuff but they didn't know that Tge green ninja was watching."Harumi h...how.I...She."Lloyd was speechless.
"No I have to focus."The green ninja jumped down with his mask up."Give me the totem."Lloyd said trying to ignore harumi."Nice to see you Lloyd."Harumi said.Lloyd became less serious."I missed you."She said smirking.She walked to him."Uh..I-"He was to nervous.Harumi lifted his mask up."Rumi stop."He pushed her back but she came closer."Lloooyd."She said teasing him."Please just come with me."Harumi got his hand dragging him to her room.The first thing he saw was pictures of him.Harumi pushed him on the bed and started to massage Lloyd's back.He melted into the touch.Harumi was behind the back of the bed.She leaned down into Lloyd.She closed the gap between them.She flickered her tongue across his lips.Lloyd moaned at the new feeling but gave her entry.Harumi's tongue explored Lloyd.She pulled back going near his neck."R...rumi wait.Your father?"Harumi climbed on Lloyd.She used her knees to pin his arms down.She took his mask of him and put it on."Look at me i'm the handsome Chosen one and I'm I love with the cute sexy jade princess."Harumi placed a hand on Lloyd's cheek.He was laughing."Rumi I think I do love the cute jade princess."Harumi laughed."What else is she."They both laughed."Sexy~"
She giggled.Harumi ran her hands under his shirt slowly pulling it up but their were inturrupted."HARUMI!WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!!"Harumi layed down next to Lloyd."Just making sure Lloyd gets his sleep."She said."Fine.Night."
Felix said."Night dad."She said pulling her and Lloyd under the sheets."You still need to tell me about you and your father."He turned to her."I'll tell you in the morning."And with that the two cuddled with each other.

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