arcane ~ you're not so bad after all pt. 1 ~ jinx & caitlyn

Start from the beginning

Caitlyn took a deep breath and opened the door.

Immediately, the younger girl's head shot up and her face quickly turned to a sort of dulled out anger as she saw who it was. She was thankfully no longer quite as quick to aimless, panicked bullet firing after Silco's passing, but she still wasn't exactly in high spirits seeing the girl who (in her mind, at least) took her sister away from her. "What are you doing here?" she asked the sheriff in a hostile, slightly menacing tone.

"I just want to talk" Caitlyn replied, holding her hands up in surrender though her gun was still safely tucked in its holster in case the worst came to worst. Jinx stood up from Silco's chair with an amused laugh. "Oh, she just wants to talk, yeah..." she muttered to herself sarcastically, pulling a hand gun out from under the desk. Caitlyn felt nervousness begin to fill her veins as she saw this but made no move towards her own weapon.

"You know, Caitlyn" Jinx chuckled to herself as she got out from around the desk and stepped towards the older woman. "I gotta say, I- I'm impressed" she stepped closer, to which Caitlyn cleverly backed up into a corner. After all, if Jinx followed her over there, her back would be to the door and Vi could discreetly enter the room without being fired at. "Not because you- because you're impressive as an enforcer or anything" she clarified. "But because you're ballsy enough to show your face around here" she chuckled to herself, but was then confused to find Caitlyn laughing along with her.

"What's so funny?" she asked, cocking her head inquisitively and fidgeting with her hands. As much as she hated to admit it, the enforcer still made her slightly anxious and this weird, almost menacing laughter certainly did not help that at all. "I'm just amused because you're saying how 'ballsy' I am, when really..." she smirked, making Jinx even more nervous. "It's not like I came here alone"

Suddenly, she felt a cloth over her mouth and nose as the whole world went dark.


She woke up to find herself strapped to Silco's office chair, just as she had done to Sevika a few months prior.

Immediately, she began to panic. She had no weapons on her, so she couldn't defend herself, and a quick look around confirmed that the only other person in the room was Caitlyn, who just sat silently in front of her. It all seemed like a setup to be murdered, and she didn't want to die. Not then. Not like that. Not at the hands of an enforcer, let alone the enforcer that took her sister away. The enforcer that replaced her, at least in her mind. No... It would be a cold day in hell before she let that happen.

Upon seeing the younger girl's panicked state, Caitlyn calmly raised her hands and showed her empty gun holster to confirm that she was unarmed. She had been incredibly hesitant to remove her weaponry (after all, if Jinx escaped her bindings and decided to freak out on her, she'd be dead pretty quickly if she couldn't defend herself), but Vi pleaded and pleaded, and well... Caitlyn couldn't deny her that. Not while she begged for her sister to be shown mercy. Not after everything that pair had been through together.

"I'm not going to attack you" she said calmly, and Jinx could hardly make out what she had said over the sound of her heartbeat and quick breathing. "B- Bullshit" Jinx cut back, though the threatening tone she was going for came out more scared than anything. Caitlyn frowned. She couldn't just pretend like she didn't despise the girl who had taken her mother and best friend away from her, but she also couldn't deny that it kind of stung to see that same girl having a panic attack because of her.

"Jinx" she said cautiously, causing purple eyes to look towards her in fear. "I need you to calm down" she instructed in a gentle tone. Don't trust her the all too familiar voice of Mylo said over Jinx's shoulder. It's a trap he continued menacingly. She tried to fight against the binds to no avail, desperately wanting to hit herself in the skull- A violent way she had learned to cope with the voices. She took your sister away. Replaced. This girl replaced you. Now she's gonna kill you. You deserve it.

"Sh- Shut up" Jinx whimpered helplessly. Caitlyn felt almost just as helpless as she watched the girl spiral, lost in the colors of her own thoughts and hearing voices again. She did the only thing she could think of to get the girl to calm down. After all, they both needed to be calm if a conversation would be at all productive, and they'd already gotten this far. So...

She hugged her.

This shock to her system was enough to make her stop panicking, a few stray tears falling, as no one really hugged her anymore. No one had hugged her since she blew up the building, and no one wanted to. Her sister was an enemy now (though Vi didn't entirely see it that way), and the one person who had truly cared about her was dead because of her own wreckless actions. She had grown quite touch starved over the previous months, so it was very relieving to just be hugged, even if it was from the last person she'd want to be hugged by.

"Wh- What are you doing?" she asked after a moment of bewilderment. Caitlyn pulled away from her with a gentle expression that was slightly forced. "You were having a panic attack" she said blankly. "You aren't anymore" she added with a slightly more genuine smile. Jinx still seemed very uneasy about everything, but at least she wasn't completely panicking anymore, so Caitlyn took that as a sort of win. "Now..." the sheriff continued, leaning back slightly. "We need to talk"

Jinx cocked her head in confusion. "What would you need to talk to me about?" She seemed genuinely confused and even still a little scared. Caitlyn scoffed, slightly exasperated. "You blew up the Council building, killing my mother and best friend in the process- and also inadvertently started a civil war!" she shouted, throwing her hands up in frustration. Jinx muttered something to a voice she heard but didn't say anything to the enforcer. "What do you think I'm here to talk about!?"

Jinx seemed a bit stunned to hear that she had killed this woman's mom, even a bit guilty. After all, she knew far too well what it was like to lose a parent. Her biological parents had died when she was very young- Killed by enforcers. Then she had accidentally killed both of the fathers that came later. Even if she wasn't particularly fond of this Caitlyn girl, she still couldn't help but feel bad for causing a pain even remotely close to what she had experienced in her own life.

"I- I- I didn't know your mother was in there" Jinx said quietly, avoiding eye contact with the other girl. Caitlyn just nodded. She couldn't exactly say that it was okay or that she forgave her- Because she didn't- But she also couldn't stay entirely pissed at the girl when she looked so afraid and even a bit guilty. "I didn't think you did" Caitlyn decided on. "But..." she continued cautiously (the last thing she wanted was for Jinx to lash out at her when she had no weapons on her). "You still blew up that building knowing that there were people inside"

"And I'd do it again" Jinx suddenly said back, a smile forming at the corner of her mouth. "It's what Silco would have wanted anyways" she added after a quiet moment. Caitlyn frowned at that. "Actually..." she started, incredibly hesitant. It had to be said because clearly Jinx was under false impressions about the status of Zaun, but she also had the feeling that a part of the girl would break if she learned the truth. If she realized that Silco probably would not have wanted that.

"The Council was in the process of making Zaun it's own independent nation when you blew up the building"

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