Leon x Reader

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Y/N hated having romantic interest. She got rejected more than she got asked out. The only times she's ever been asked out were through the internet, which sucked. Especially since random creeps would ask for pictures of her body -- no, not ask, demand. There were a few nice ones, but most of them were just shitty people.

Y/N had only had 2 real life relationships. And even then, they didn't last very long. They never lasted long. Y/N had always thought it was something she had done. She couldn't figure out why this always happened, she even thought at one point she may be cursed.

Even after all this, Y/N strived to have a real romantic relationship. Someone to hold, to hold her, just anyone willing to give her their affection and for it not to all be a lie.

Then one day, he appeared. Leon Kuwata. Y/N was overjoyed that she finally had someone who actually loved her. Well, in her mind he did. Y/N was way too nervous to actually go up and ask him out herself.

Then, one day, the unthinkable happened. Leon Kuwata finally spoke to Y/N. Y/N was ecstatic, she couldn't believe he would actually bother talking like her. She thought she was worthless compared to him, but she wouldn't be for long...

"Y/N, I gotta ask ya 'bout something." Leon asked, Y/N nodded, "S-sure, go ahead.", "Do you like me?" Leon asked, Y/N got tense. She thought that if she answered 'Yes', he would surely laugh in her face and everybody would bully her.

"I-I-" Y/N tried to speak, but she was shaking, her throat felt tight as tears formed in her eyes, her face redder than Leon's hair. She felt like she could die right now. She knew Leon had to be pranking her. There's no way he liked her back...did he?

Y/N sighed as she swallowed her pride, with a trembling voice she found the courage to look into Leon's eyes as she answered, "Yes."

This was it. This was her moment to be ridiculed. She was ready to be tormented by him. The movie about an awkward nerd who likes the jock and she was the star. This had to have been a prank organized by Leon's friends, this had to have been a prank, this had to have been-

Leon pushed his lips against Y/N's, wrapping his arms around her waist. Y/N didn't understand, he was supposed to hate her for this! Dump a bucket of water of her head! Something! She wanted to run away and hide in her room forever, but at the same time she felt nothing but pure bliss. Y/N wished this moment would last forever. She loved the feeling of being in Leon's arms.

Leon pulled away with a smile on his face, "I like you too. Ya know, I've liked you for quite a long time now, Y/N. Why didn't you say anything?" he asked, Y/N shook her head, "I-I thought...you'd hate me for doing that..." she whimpered, "Hate you? I kissed you! You think I'd hate you after your confession to me? Y/N, do you even know how long I've been waiting for this moment?"

'He's been...waiting? T-to kiss me?'  Y/N thought, hiding her face behind her sweater sleeves, Leon pulled Y/N's hands away from her face, "Hey, look at me. I love you, Y/N." Leon said.

'That look on his face...he really means it!'  Y/N thought, she pulled Leon into a kiss. "Thank you, Leon..." she smiled.

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