Urban Legend! Toko x Male! Reader

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~Why aren't you afraid of me?~


Y/N L/N walked down the alley way, trying to catch his breath "Whew, that was terrifying!" he huffed, "The worst has yet to come, pretty boy" the girls' voice spoke from behind him, Y/N jumped back in surprise "No, please, just don't kill me!" he yelped, shielding his face with his arms, "why would I not wanna kill you? You're such a handsome boy!" she laughed wickedly, her dark red eyes fixating on him, Y/N's eyes grew wide with fear, his pupils darting around in his head. Y/N shut his eyes, prepared for death, the girl suddenly let out a quick sneeze.

 Y/N set his arms to his side and looked up at the girl. She looked surprisingly normal, the only thing that stood out about her was the mask she wore to cover her mouth. "Ugh, sorry about that" she groaned, placing a hand on her head, "I-it's fine" Y/N spoke in a soft tone as he stood up, "Fine? I feel like something bad w-was about to happen!" she spoke with concern in her voice, "Well, you wouldn't be wrong," Y/N chuckled, he then pointed to her mask "what's with the getup?", the girl reached for her mask, "Oh, this?", she looked down at the concrete as she began to take her mask off, as she looked back up at Y/N he could see it, a big cut in her cheeks, making it look as if she was grinning from ear to ear as blood dripped down her open wound. Y/N looked at the girl with a mix of fear and shock on his face "t-that's what was underneath the mask?!" he yelped, the girl looked into Y/N's eyes "Do you think I'm beautiful?" she quietly asked, her voice sounding a bit sad, "Well, it's not that bad" Y/N shrugged, the girl gasped in delight, "R-really?!", "Well, it's just a slit from ear to ear, isn't it? There's probably worse I could've seen out there." Y/N smiled at the girl, "Wait," she began to speak, "this is wrong. You should be afraid", Y/N tilted his head, "And why is that? Because of your appearance? There's nothing wrong with it."

"M-my name is Toko Fukawa. Sorry for the late introduction" Toko smiled awkwardly, fidgeting her fingers, Y/N chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "It's alright. I'm Y/N L/N", "Y-Y/N L/N" she spoke, phrasing it as more of a question than a response, "That's right. Nice to meet you, Miss Toko Fukawa." Y/N gave Toko a warm smile, a light pink blush spread across Toko's face.

"What was with the scissors anyway? Had any special plans of murder?" Y/N asked in a joking manner,  Toko looked down at her pair of scissors, "Oh, uhm," Toko stuttered, before placing them back in her pocket, "I guess I was trying to, uhm, kill you." Toko spoke, her voice trembling, "What's wrong?" Y/N asked, placing a hand on Toko's head and patting her hair softly, Toko blushed, "U-uhm", Y/N chuckled, placing his hand back in his jacket pocket, Toko looked up at Y/N and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. 

Y/N could feel his face growing hot, but before he could speak Toko blurt out a quick "S-sorry!" before looking away, Y/N chuckled and cupped his hands on Toko's face, having her look into his eyes. Y/N smiled and softly kissed Toko's lips. 

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