Chapter (28): Shimmering Sphere

Start from the beginning

"Sorry won't do anything about it, but this will."

She leaned over and captured her lips softly before pulling back. "Breakfast?" She pointed at the plates with a wide smile.

"Let's dig in."


Wren went home and took a shower and got ready for work. During her lovely breakfast with Madeline, Eva called Madeline to check on her and talked about the feeling of being married to someone she loves. While she was on the phone with her, Wren's mind went back to the idea of marriage when she saw the look on Madeline's face while talking on the phone. Her face showed love and hope that maybe she one day will get married too, but Wren also noticed that Madeline didn't talk about the idea of matrimony with her after hanging up and she was feeling a little nervous regarding that topic.

As for Wren she felt that she was ready for such commitment as long as her future wife will be Madeline and no one else, but she had to wait for the right time to ask Madeline the question.

Two hours have passed and between her works she was a little hesitant on asking Madeline to marry her. She was afraid she will refuse or that it was too early, but Wren felt like she wasn't rushing things because her heart belonged to Madeline a long time ago.

Eleanor knocked on the door and entered, seeing Wren leaning on the chair with both her hands folded behind her head as her eyes were staring out the window.

"Am I interrupting your thoughts?"

Wren turned to her on the chair with a smile and shook her head. "No, just relaxing a little."

Eleanor nodded and walked to the desk. "I called Mrs. Caulfield and apparently she won't be able to make it next week because she's going to China."

"Mm-hmm. When will she get back?"

"She said two weeks, but if she finished her tasks there early we might have the meeting as soon as possible."

"Mm-hmm." She nodded again and spaced out.

Eleanor bent down her head a little and looked at Wren with concern. She knew her step-daughter very well when she thinks of something deeply. "Wren, are you okay?"

"Hmm? Sorry, what?"

"You okay? Do you feel tired?"

"Uh, no. I'm fine." She looked at Eleanor then sighed and leaned on the desk. "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure." She took a seat across from her frowning and concerned.

"Okay, umm," She rubbed her forehead and chuckled nervously, leaning closer to Eleanor. "How, um, how did you feel when my dad proposed to you? Were you nervous? Were you hesitant, scared maybe? Was it good? Like did it feel right?"

Eleanor raised her eyebrows chuckling softly, remembering the day when Henry proposed to her. "It was marvelous." she said, making Wren smile warmly. "I was in love with Henry and he surprised me that day by his unexpected proposal in Croatia. I thought we were having a good vacation but he made it better by kneeling down and pulling out the diamond ring. He was so nervous and so was I. My heart was beating like crazy I thought I was gonna die." They chuckled together and Eleanor looked at Wren. "Why are you asking me this?"

"I'm sorry if I pried."

"You didn't." She smiled. "I just want to know why you asked. There must be something you're thinking about." Eleanor smiled at her, having suspicions about something.

"I was... umm, I was thinking about proposing to Madeline." Eleanor grinned at Wren, noticing her nervous expression as she started playing with her pen around her fingers. "I'm kind of scared that she might refuse or that I'm rushing things."

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