Time To Mourn

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Rantaros pov

I walked into the dining hall to find a picture of a happy kokichi in the corner of the room with nice decorations around it.

"it was chihiros idea" keade came up beside me making me jump slightly "he said its a good way to remember the boy who did so much for us"

"that's a nice way to put it" I smiled "hey who did the decorations?"

"oh that was angie. She was pretty passionate about it too" keade paused for a second "you know dispite how terrible kokichi was at the start he ended up touching everyone's hearts at the end" she smiled sadly.

"he did have a talent with that" I chuckled softly. Kokichis last words came back to me. I have to tell chihiro "I gotta go keade" I patted her on the shoulder and left. Shuichi stared at me as I left. What's his problem?

I placed a hand on chihiros shoulder "chihiro I-"

"rantaro I'm so sorry for accusing you of murder" chihiro bowed apologetically.

"it's fine chihiro. Your reaction was perfectly understandable" I said reassuringly. I looked over at the memorial "it looks nice"

"thanks I tried my best" he scratched his head looking embarrassed.

"hey chihiro" I said hesitately "I don't know if this is a good time but kokichi told me to tell you something before he died-"

"please tell me!" he looked at me determinedly.

I took a deep breath "he wanted me to tell you to not give up. To keep fighting for a happy future. Even if he's.. not in it"

Chihiro fell to his knees as tears ran down his face "oh kokichi you were the greatest thing that ever happened me. I promise I'll carry you with me forever" he said with a sad smile on his face.

We all stood there feeling sad yet hopeful. Things will get better for us. We just gotta keep fighting.

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