Checking Up On Her

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Kokichis pov

"Umm tenko" I knocked a couple of times on the door. I knew she wouldn't be doing well after himikos death and I wanted to avoid another ryoma insident so I figured I should check up on her.

She opened the door with red puffy eyes "what do you want kokichi?"

"I just thought I'd check up on you. How are you doing?"

there was a long silence between us.

"yeah dumb question I know. Hey listen I understand its hard losing someone. Trust me I understand that better than anyone but you can't give up. You gotta keep fighting with us cause there's still people worth living for"

I expect her to get angry and slam the door in my face but instead she gave me a weak smile.

"thanks kokichi. I'll think about it" with that she closed the door.

I heard a chuckle behind me. I spun around to see kaito grinning at me

"look at you doing my job. Your going to have me out of the superhero business" he grabbed me and ruffled my hair.

"superheroes don't exist in the first place kai-chan now put me down!" I demanded.

He gently put me back on my feet. He had a proud smile on his face "you know something though your absolutely right. No matter how many people we lose they'll always be someone to fight for. Like how when I lost my best friend shuichi and girlfriend maki I had you and keade to keep fighting for"

I turned red. Did he really say something so embarrassing?

"Umm thanks. I guess I feel the same way about you guys"

"of course you do" that's how friends are supposed to feel about each other" kaito said petting my head.

Their was a silence between us until..


Kaito held his stomach as his cheeks turned red.

I giggled "looks like someone's been fighting on an empty stomach!"

"yeah" kaito laughed along with me "let's get some grub!"

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