Toko Snaps!

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Kokichis pov

I looked at the clock nervously. It's around this time that Kirumi commits a murder. She's never failed to kill before so what's stopping her now?

I sighed and walked to the dining hall. I expected to be met with warm food and happy smiles but instead I was met with toko choking Kirumi!

"I w-wont let you k-kill me!" she yelled.

"toko what are you doing!" I yelled causing her to turn my way.

"kokichi" she started smiling "it's o-ok. I-I'll t-take her out. T-then everyone w-will be ok"

"toko think this through. If you kill her you'll be executed too!" I said trying to calm her down.

"oh who's c-cares. My l-life doesn't m-matter a-anyway"

"of course your life matters. Don't you dare say that" I yelled. Her eyes widened. I think I'm getting through to her! "please toko let her go"

She nodded and let her go. She fell to her knees. I quickly ran to her side and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"easy now your ok" I muttered softly.

"what the hells going on?" I looked up to see the others staring at us in disbelief.

"it's fine guys. It's been sorted" I said firmly.

"ok?" they looked confused but went with it.

I ran over to Kirumi who was gasping for air "are you alright mama-chan?"

"yes thank you for your help dear" she said gently petting my hair. It felt nice. I wish she wasn't so hellbent on getting back to her country. Maybe then I could trust her.

My thoughts were cut off by the monitor turning on.

"head to the gymnasium for the new motive!"

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