My Roommate Taka

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I arrived back to my dorm room after a day of hanging around with shuichi and keade. I walked in to see taka reading a book. He looked up with a smile on his face.

"hi roomie" he grinned at me.

"hi roomie" I chuckled. Where did he even learn that word? I bet it was from Leon!

"I saw you were hanging out with shuichi and keade" he said turning to the next page.

"oh are you upset" I asked worriedly. The last thing I want is to fall out with my roommate. That's basically a death sentence!

"no in fact I'm glad!" he grinned.

"huh? How so?" I took a seat next to him on the bed.

He sighed "I'm ashamed to admit it but I saw you as a horrible person after the truth came out about you. But after seeing you try so hard to help shuichi who was suffering after kaito and makis death I realised that's there's no way your that awful guy I imagined you to be"

I smiled and wrapped an arm around his shoulder "there's no need to feel ashamed. I painted myself to be the bad guy after all. Thanks for believing in me roommate"

"no problem. We're friends after all!" he smiled brightly.

I smiled back at him "yeah the best of friends!"

I hope the good ones like him stay alive.

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now