Murder With No Motive

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??? Pov

Oh god what have I done? What have I done! I didn't mean it. I was just trying to defend myself. Is it so wrong that I didn't want to die?

What am I going to tell the others?

Rantaros pov

"come on big bro!"

I opened my eyes. I was holding someone's hand. It felt soft and warm. Where am I?

I looked up to see pale green hair tied up with pigtails. Kayla!?!

She turned to me with a bright smile that made my heart flutter "come on big brother let's get some ice-cream. You can't have a proper day out without ice-cream!" she smiled brightly.

I remember now. My baby sister Kayla. She was only four years old when she disappeared but why am I seeing this now? What's going on-

"a body has been discovered!"

My eyes shot open. I was laying in bed. What happened to my day out with kalya? And what with that body discovery announcement? Did someone die already? But there hasn't been any motive yet!

"damnit!" I punched the wall in frustration. I took a deep breath to calm myself "no use getting upset now. Ok let's do this!"

*time skip*

I walked down to the kitchen. That's where that bear said the murder took place. I opened the door and low and behold lay the corpes of aoi asahina .

I walked over to kyoko who had just finished inspecting the corpes.

"mind giving me a run down on the victims cause of death?" I asked.

"sure thing " she muttered "well the cause of death is pretty standard. Hina was stabbed twenty-seven times in the chest"

"what kind of scumbag would kill a girl like that!" shuichi muttered angrily.

"not everyone holds the same morals as you shuichi" I sighed "now if you don't mind I have a investigation to focus on"


I turned to kyoko "thank you for your help. I'll be on my way"

"ok see you around"


I noticed chihiro was looking nervous. I decided to approach him.

"chihiro is something wrong?" I asked.

"yeah well I heard some pretty creepy stuff last night" she muttered.

"care to elaborate?" I asked.

"Well I couldn't sleep last night thanks to a reoccurring nightmare so I was in the dinning hall messing around with mondo and himiko" that's a friend group I never thought would work out! "They were kind enough to stay up with me" so he has an alibi. That makes things easier "suddenly we heard screaming. We tried to get in but the kitchen door was locked. When we finally managed to bust it open hina was dead on the floor and mokoto was injured next to her"

"so you three found the body"

"yeah. I don't think I'll ever sleep again" he shuttered.


she said that mokoto was injured in the same room as that dead girl. Were the two of them attacked? I'll have to ask mokoto himself about it.

I found him being patched up by keade.

"thanks for the help miki" he smiled at her.

"no problem. I'm just happy you're ok" she sighed in relief "I must be going now. I need to help the others" with that she left.

"mokoto may I ask you some questions" I asked.

"ahh so your here to interview me huh?" he smiled sadly "alright then I guess I better answer honestly" he took a deep breath "well me and aoi were just having a chat about our fight last night. We wanted to clear the air you know but out of nowhere a guy came out with a knife and stabbed me and hina! I was lucky enough to survive and well... she wasn't" he looked away.


"how did the killer escape if the doors were locked?" I asked.

"they jumped through that window" he pointed to the broken window.


"one more question"

"ok shoot!"

"did you see the killers face" that could make the trail a whole lot easier.

"afraid not. He was wearing this mask" he pulled out a mask.


Suddenly Monokuma popped up "alright you worms get to the trail room to entertain me!" with that he disappeared.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. Alright let's get this over with.

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