Looking for Forgivness

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Korekiyos pov

I took a deep breath. This is it. I'm going to make things right with himiko and become a better person. I've never been good with people thanks to my trauma but keade says the way I live my life should be my choice and I chose to live it this way!

I walked into the dining hall where himiko was nibbling on a cupcake. She caught sight of me and tried to sneak away.

"please wait" I ran after her.

She turned back to me with a glare "what do you want?"

I sighed "I did some pretty terrible things to you and the other girls. I was in a bad place at the time but I'm trying to get better. I was hoping that you could forgive me?" I looked at her hopefully.

"you really think that it's that easy?" her tone turned cold.

"Well I-"

"shut up!" she screamed "you killed tenko and Angie three times and you killed me twice! You think that all just gose away with a simple sorry?"

I stayed silent.

She turned her back to me "don't ever talk to me again!" with that she marched out of the dining hall.

Looks like this is going to be harder than I thought.

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