Vengeful Class Trail

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Keades pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. Two more people are dead and we don't have enough evidence to pinpoint a killer but no matter what we'll definitely-

"alright the killer better identify themselves right now so I can bring my hammer of justice" taka yelled. This is the first time I've seen him this fired up!

"wow you sure are fired up bud" Leon muttered.

"of course I am!" he yelled with tears in his eyes "cause before he died he.. he told me he loved me!"

"taka.." chihiro said sadly.

"we could have been happy together but someone snatched that away for their own self gain and I won't rest until I bring that person to justice!" I never seen him act this passionate before but I guess his lover did just die in front of him. Let's hope that Passion is enough to get through this trail.

"anyway we should discuss the method of murder" kyoko muttered.

"Well that was obviously stabbing" Leon spoke up "I mean you can clearly see it sticking out of mondos chest"

"but who was killed first. Gonta is very confused on that" gonta said.

"that was definitely Hiro" kokichi said firmly "I saw his body while I was being chased"

"oh yeah you were chased by the killer" kiibo muttered "that why you have a-"

"a broken foot yes" kokichi growled "so you could say I'm a little peeved at the killer myself"

"kokichi tell me who the killer is so I can flatten them" taka yelled.

"sorry taka but I don't know"

"lies! Your holding out on me I know it!"

"no I'm not!" kokichi insisted "taka you saw the killer too. You should know that the killer was unidentifiable"

"your right" he gasped "sorry kokichi I'm just really pumped up right now. I really want to find the killer"

"trust me we all do" kokichi looked at him with sincere eyes.

Ryoma cleared his throat "I think we'd all like a explanation for what you guys are talking about"

"oh right my testimoni" he muttered "I was walking down the hallway to meet with chihiro"

"I can testify to that" kyoko spoke up "we spoke before kokichi had to leave to see chihiro"

"when I was walking down the hallway a knife was thrown at me. I turned around to see someone in a mask holding a bloody knife. Hiros dead body was just behind them"

"holy fuck!" miu yelled.

"anyway I ran for my life but I wasn't looking where I was going and tripped down the Stairs, breaking my foot"

"owch" I muttered

"the killer tried to end thing but mondo stepped in and taka took me to the nurses office"

"after kokichi was taken care of I ran straight back to mondo but it was too late" taka choked on his words. I can't imagine how hard this must be for him "he said his last words to me and then... He took his last breath"

"damn" Leon muttered.

"at least now we have a connected series of events" I said "and we know for sure that the killer was wearing a mask that covered their whole face"

"yeah" taka sighed "I checked every single bedroom and didn't find any sign of that mask"

"oh I found it" kokichi said simply.

"what!?!" we all yelled in surprise.

"yep" he pulled out the mask "I found this in the backspace of the kitchen" the kitchen? That's it!

"Kirumi you were the only one who could have knew about that backspace in the kitchen" I yelled pointing at her.

"what on earth are you talking about!" she yelled angrily.

"no one was in the kitchen more than you. No one else would know the kitchen better than you"

"then how come kokichi was able to find the mask?" Kirumi argued.

"cause you showed me around the kitchen when you taught me how to cook" kokichi glared at her. Many glares were sent kirumis way. It was clear no one trusted her.

"alright kids its voting time" Monokuma cheered.

We all voted for Kirumi and got it right.

"do we need to talk?" Kirumi asked "I'm sure you all know my reasons by now"

"it was for your country wasn't it" kokichi said softly.

"yes" she nodded. Her country? She killed someone for the sake of Japan!

"just answer me this" taka said trembling with rage "was sacrificing mondos life worth it?"

She looked at him with pity and turned away "yes it was. I would sacrifice everyone's life here if it meant my country would be spared"

Taka let out a choked gasp.

"ok ok let's get this execution on the road" Monokuma said gleefully.

"goodbye everyone" Kirumi turned her back to us as the chain dragged her away.

Kirumi was chained to a chair in what looks to be the presidents room. She has a full view of the city of Tokyo.

Kirumis execution
The fall of a grand city

Suddenly planes flew over the city dropping Monokuma bombs. Kirumi thrashed around, desperate to save her country. Eventually she thrashed around so much that the chair went backwards, bashing her skull in.

Taka immediately fell to his knees sobbing painfully. We all rushed over to comfort him. Kokichi even limped over to help. We were all going through pain and lose right now but taka needed our support and we were here to give it to him.

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