Paranoid Killer

201 6 4

Keades pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. I can't say that I was ever close with cleste but that fact that she was killed is unforgivable! I have to find the killer no matter what!

"we already know who the killer is" hina said with a glare.

"I think I heard this before" Monokuma giggled.

"it was definitely Hiro!"

"no way! I didn't do anything!" Hiro yelped.

"yeah yeah keep talking murderer!" hina glared.

"you do realise that he was framed for murder last time hina" kokichi said "it's most likely that he's being framed again"

"yeah listen to the little dude!" Hiro said looking hopeful.

"yeah but what if that's what he wants you to believe" hina insisted "this is part of his evil plan I just know it!"

"heck no! I'm not smart enough to do that!" hero yelled.

"I'm surrounded by idiots" Byakuya sighed.

"ok so we just have to prove that hiro couldn't possibly be the killer right" kyoko muttered.

"what have you got in mind big sis?" kokichi asked.

"Well I think our answer lies in the suit" she stated.

"I think I know what your talking about!" I gasped "cleste was killed by a single blow to the head but you can't see a thing in that costume. It's hard to believe Hiro got a clean hit on cleste in that suit"

"very good keade" kyoko smiled.

"wow keayayades so smart!" kokichi giggled.

"Umm thank you" I muttered turning red.

"that doesn't prove anything!" tenko yelled "I still think the degenerate did it!"

"then let me ask you one thing" kyoko said calmly "if hiro really is the killer then why did he let us see him in that costume?"

"Umm cause he couldn't get it off obviously!" tenko said confidently.

"do you really think Hiro would put on a suit that he couldn't take off?" kyoko asked.

"well I don't know he is pretty dumb" tenko muttered.

"hey!" Hiro said looking offended.

"also there's the issue of there being no blood on the suit" chihiro spoke up.

"why dose that matter?" himiko asked.

"Well cleste was killed with a single hit to the head with a hammer" chihiro explained.

"if Hiro did kill in that suit then it should have a blood spatter" kokichi said looking excited "wow chihiro your so smart!"

"oh Umm thank you" chihiro said turning red.

"ok fine I guess the degenerate didn't do it" tenko sighed.

"you don't gotta sound so disappointed!" Hiro yelled.

"alright let's get to the important shit already" mondo growled "who the fuck killed that lolita?"

"is there any clue that point to a killer?" Leon muttered.

"neah I feel tired just thinking about it" himiko sighed.

"we should probably focus on the cause of death" I suggested.

"good idea keade" rantaro smiled.

"celest was killed by a hammer as we've already discussed" chihiro muttered.

"there was something interesting about the hammer though" Byakuya said.

"really? And what is that?" Kirumi asked.

"the hammer was painted blue and had the words justice hammer written on it" Byakuya explained.

"she got killed by something so cheesy? Dear god that's embarrassing" Leon muttered.

"hey! I'm be honered to die in such a cool way and I'm sure cleste felt the same way!" hifumi yelled.

"of course you'd say something embarrassing like that" Leon sighed.

"speaking of hifumi doesn't this look like his work?" kokichi pointed out.

"excuse me?" hifumi gasped .

"indeed" kyoko muttered "The design on the robot suit alone looks like his work.

"now hold on I think we're jumping to conclusions" hifumi said sweating bullets.

"yeah not to mention that no one else would make something so cheesy and embarrassing" kokichi grinned.

"now that's just rude-"

"Well hifumi I think we have your little scheme all figured out" I said pointing my finger at him "Well hifumi yamada do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"this is too much" hifumi said shakenly "I demand to see a lawyer!"

"sorry those don't exist here" Monokuma laughed "now cast your votes!"

We voted for hifumi and got it right.

"why did you do it hifumi?" I asked "I never saw you as the killing type"

"I had to!" he yelled "she was planning to kill me I just know it! I had to kill her before she killed me! It's all I could do" he burst into tears.

"alright now that that sob story's over let's get onto the punishment!" Monokuma said gleefully.

"wait! Please don't kill me!" hifumi begged "I don't want to die!"

"let give it everything we've got! Iiiiits punishment Time!"


Hifumi was placed in what looked like the battle seance of a shonan anime. Two giants robot women landed next to him.

Hifumi yamadas punishment
2D death row

The robots set missile, robot fists and lazers at hifumi. Despite it looking very painful hifumi looked like he was having a great time. Eventually the two robots flew away and hifumi was crushed by a buff looking alter Ego.

I didn't even know what I was feeling at that point. That execution just left me feeling very confused. Damn that Tsmugi and junko! They're just toying with us now!

I went back to the elevator with the others. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang