Bringing Out the Masterminds

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Keades pov

We all took our places at the stands one last time. One last trail and then I can go home. I can't fail now!

"ok I think we should first discuss the obvious issue" rantaro muttered.

"what issue?" chihiro asked.

"the issue of how gonta ended up in the garden" rantaro replied.

"was he dragged up there?" taka muttered.

"doubt it" Leon scratched his head "gonta was a big guy. It would serious muscle power to drag him all the way up to the garden"

"then how did he end up in the garden?"

"there is a simpler explanation" I spoke up "me and chihiro found some flower seeds in gontas hand"

"that's right!" chihiro gasped "I totally forgot about that"

"he was most likely went up by himself to plant some flowers"

"that dose sound like gonta" kokichi sighed.

"ok so we solved that little mystery but what about his cause of death?" chihiro asked "gonta was so big and strong. It would take alot to kill him"

"we actually have the answer for that!" taka spoke up "he was stabbed twice in the back by two katanas"

"how awful" chihiro said tearfully.

"ok now that that's settled can we talk about something real quick? It's really messing with me" Leon muttered.

"what is it Leon?" taka asked looking conserned for his friend.

"Well we were all together in the gymnasium when the body discovery announcement went off so I'm wondering how could any of us have killed gonta"

"Well one of us must have killed him before the concert" rantaro said.

"that's not possible" kokichi spoke up.

"what do you mean it's not possible young man!" taka demanded.

"your talking about the sprinklers aren't you kokichi" I said.

He nodded "the sprinklers are set to go off every hour but gontas body was bone dry. Meaning he was killed under an hour ago"

"we were all together around that time" taka muttered.

"I think the real killer is obvious now isn't it keade" kokichi grinned.

"I agree" I nodded and pointing at Monokuma "the real killer is... The Masterminds themselves!"

Monokuma stayed silent for a moment. Then-

"puhuhu puhuhuhuhu! You kids sure are smart. It seems you figured us out"

The room filled with smoke and out of nowhere emerged to figures. Those figures were Tsmugi and-

"it's me bitches! Junko fucking enoshima!" a girl with pigtails yelled.

"this is the first classes mastermind?" I gasped.

"you better believe it blondie" she said suddenly in a cutsie voice. What the heck? She changed personalitys so quick I think I got whiplash!

"oh jeez. I was hoping we wouldn't have to deal with you again" kokichi sighed.

"hi kokichi" junko waved happily "Congratulations on your relationship with chihiro. I was hoping he'd die though. The look of Dispair on your face would have been amazing" she suddenly started drooling.

"ha jokes on you I'd never let chihiro die" he said hugging chihiro close.

"anyway you guys got it right" Tsmugi said calmly "we both killed gonta by stabbing him in the back at the same time so we should both be executed. But before we go why not send a little Dispair your way"

She brought down a TV a switched it on. I immediately saw my own face! I was taking about how I wanted to join danganrompa and how I had no faith in humanity. I was shaking. This can't be real.

"no" I whimpered "that isn't me!"

"your right keade" rantaro said firmly "that's not you. Not anymore"

I smiled greatfully at him.

He turned to Tsmugi "what about my video?"

"ah ah that would be spoilers" Tsmugi wagged her finger with a smile "we'll save that for another Timeline. Now then junko shall we get going?"

"yep yep" she hugged Tsmugi tightly as the chains wrapped around their necks, dragging them to their executions.

*time skip*

We stood in front of the door, just after watching a brutal execution. This was it. We could finally leave together.

"I feel a little scared" I chuckled.

"trust me we all do" Leon said "but we're going to get through this together"

"right!" I put my hand out "ok guys let's make a promise right here to always be friends no matter what!"

"keade that's really cheesy" kokichi said trying to hide his smile.

"aww come on kokichi I say we do it" chihiro said putting his hand in.

"fine" kokichi rolled his eyes and put his hand in.

"alright let do it!" Leon cheered putting his hand in.

"we survive hell together. I think that definitely makes us friends" taka said putting his hand in.

"and we'll always be friends" rantaro said putting his hand in.

"no matter what!" we cheered as we threw our hands in the air.

We turned to the door and I pressed the big red button.

"alright guys let's go home"

*ending two: friends forever*

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