Confessed To Murder

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Kokichis pov

I slowly walked up to mondos limp body and checked his pulse. Its no good. He's dead.

"no no no" gonta curled up in a ball sobbing "gonta bad. Gonta do bad thing!"

"hey its ok big guy" I said gently "you didn't mean to hurt him gonta. I'll make sure that bear doesn't hurt you"

"but what about others" gonta asked "won't they get hurt if gonta not confess?"

"I'll find a way to save us all" I squeezed his hand gently "don't worry big guy. I'm not going to let you get hurt again"

"ok" he nodded slowly.

Ok kokichi you gotta think. How can you get gonta out of this mess!

*time skip*

"ok whoever killed mondo better fess up now!" taka yelled.

He was really upset when he found mondo dead. Even if I do manage to save gonta taka isn't going to forgive him easily. I can worry about that later. Right now I have to think of a way to save gonta. I can't let someone so innocent and trusting die again!

"kokichi you've been awful quiet" kiibo pointed out. That's cause I've been thinking you dumb robot!

Taka turned to me with a glare "come to think of it you insisted on going after mondo. Was that your excuse to kill mondo!"

"what no! I didn't kill mondo" I don't have time for this. I still haven't thought of a plan!

"so you say kokichi but all the evidence points to you"

"mondos neck was broken taka" I tried to reason with him "there's no way someone as small as me could have-"

"bullshit!" taka slammed his fist on the stand "anyone can become a murderer in this place. Now you better confess or I swear to god I'll-"

"gonta can't take anymore" gonta screamed. I looked at him sadly. I should have known this would happen. Gontas too good a guy to just stay quiet about the whole thing.

"please don't blame kokichi. Kokichi did no wrong. It was gonta. Gonta killed mondo!"

Everyone gasped.

"gonta that can't be true" mokoto muttered in disbelief.

"it's true" gonta sobbed "gonta did not mean to hunt mondo. Gonta just wanted him to stop hurting kokichi"

"kokichi what dose he mean by that?" kaito asked.

I sighed "mondo was pretty angry about what he saw. It was my fault for pushing him too much" I stared at the ground. I was careless and now two people are going to die.

"what are you kids waiting for? Let's start with the voting already!" Monokuma yelled.

So with heavy hearts we voted for gonta.

I turned to him guiltily "gonta I'm really sorry I couldn't save you"

Gonta bent down and petted my head "do not be sorry kokichi. Gonta is just happy that friends are safe" he said with tears in his eyes.

I clutched my chest. This wasn't getting easier.

"dose kokichi think mondo will forgive me in afterlife?"

I felt the tears that I had been trying so hard to hold in slowly run down my face "oh course big guy. There's no way he wouldn't forgive a kind hearted guy like you!"

"that makes gonta happy" he smiled brightly "gonta thanks you kokichi"

"I should be the one thanking you" I sighed.

"let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiiits punishment Time!"

*time skip*

I stared at the execution room sadly. They used the same execution as before. Damnit a guy like him doesn't deserve to die like that!

"kokichi are you ok?" keade asked gently.

"I-I thought I could save him" I sighed "I guess that was just wishful thinking"

"don't be so hard on yourself kokichi. You can't think of a way to save everyone. No ones that smart" keade said reassuringly.

"yeah I guess your right" I forced a smile.

Keade pulled me into a hug. A couple of seconds later kaito got behind us and pulled us both into a hug. The three of us giggled. It feels good to have friends like these.

Taka watched on in silence. I felt a little worried for him. I hope he doesn't do anything drastic.

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora