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Kokichis pov

I was walking down the hallway with kaito and keade. They were my emotional support after chihiro died. I owe everything to them.

"I wonder how mokotos doing?" keade muttered worriedly "he seemed pretty messed up after sayakas death"

"I'm sure our sidekick will be waiting for us in the dinning hall" kaito said reassuringly "don't worry so much keade everything will be fine"

"ok thanks kaito" keade smiled greatfully.

We arrived at the dining hall and low and behold mokoto was sitting there picking at his food with a distant look on his face. I gotta feel for the guy he's been through hell. Heh we all have.

I remember how he comferted me when I was suffering after kyokos death. His words gave me hope. Looks like its time for me to return the favour.

I placed a hand on his shoulder "hey mokoto what's up!"

"hey kokichi" he smiled weakly "I'm not doing so great. I feel guilty for what happened sayaka. I feel like it should have been me"

"hmm right" I lifted my hand and smacked him hard across the face. The whole dinning hall was stunned by my act.

"kokichi what the hell!" kaito yelled.

"you idiot!" I yelled at the lucky student "don't you remember what you said to me when I started thinking that way? You told me to keep living for my friends. Aren't you going to follow those same rules yourself?"

Mokoto teared up and hugged me "thanks kokichi. I needed that"

"hey don't hug me dummy!" I muttered blushing. The others laughed at my embarrassment. The mood was good until taka burst through the doors looking white as a ghost.

"I-I-I" he was stuttering like crazy. Whatever he saw must have been pretty bad.

"baby what happened?" mondo asked gently.

"please just follow me" he muttered quietly before walking out of the dining hall. We looked at each other before following him.

He led us to ryomas room. He shakingly opened the door and what we saw shook us to our core.

It was ryomas hanging body!

"hey I found a note" keade picked it up and read it out loud "you have took my only reason for living in this brutal death game. Now I forfeit my life. End the trail quickly with this suicide note"

I felt a feeling of dread wash over me. Suicide. A quick way out of the pain sure but the ones still alive have to feel its effects. This feeling of hopelessness. I can't believe I ever tried to push it onto someone else!

"kokichi you feeling ok?" kaito asked gently.

I looked up at him "kaito I'm glad I didn't kill myself"

"me too buddy" he patted me on the back "now let's get this trail over with!"

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now