Triple Death!

140 3 19

??? Pov

I walked down the hallway with a feeling of dread building up in my stomach. I had a awful feeling that something bad happened her. No! She's too strong to die again! Nodding to conferm those thoughts I swung open the door.

"hey I-" I froze at the sight in front of me "no" I fell to my knees sobbing.

Turns out my bad feeling was right.

Keades pov

I was walking down the hallway with rantaro when-


We both froze at the ear piercing scream. Rantaro turned to me.

"that didn't sound good. Shall we check it out?" I nodded and we ran in the direction of the scream.

We found hina on her knees shaking and sakura sitting in a chair with her stomach slit open.

"a body has been discovered!"

"damnit!" I kicked the ground in frustration "I should have tried harder to break up the fight. This is all my fault"

"hey enough of that!" rantaro grabbed me firmly by the shoulders "you can't blame yourself for every bad thing that happens. Your human too you know and your allowed to make mistakes. Now let's do our best to get through this trail"

"your right" I smiled weakly at him "thanks rantaro"

"anytime kid" he winked at me "now let's start investigating"

(gore warning)

I started with her body. Her stomach was slit open and her intestace had poured onto her lap. It was enough to make me feel sick.

"it looks like she committed sabuko" kyoko muttered

"sa- what now?" I asked.

"subuko. It's a Japanese form of suicide" kyoko explained "sakura was into traditional Japanese culture so it's possible that she committed sabuko to regain her honer in the next life"


"oh what's this" she pointed at sakuras exposed heart "it looks like she was stabbed in the heart"

"what's wrong with that?" I asked.

"when committing sabuko you would slice your stomach open. You wouldn't stab far enough to damage the heart" she explained.


"huh what this" I picked up a blood stained green ribbon "it looks like it belonged to tenko!"


"hey come to think of it where is tenko" taka muttered.

We looked around and she wasn't anywhere to be found.

"we'll go get her" chihiro said smiling at kokichi "let's go honey"

"kay!" kokichi chirped as he followed his boyfriend to tenkos room.

Chihiros pov

We arrived at tenkos dorm and knocked on the door. No answer.

"tenko you need to come out. There's a investigation going on" I pleaded with her.

No answer.

"right looks like it's time for serious action" kokichi said lifting his foot up "stand back babe"

I nodded and stepped back. Kokichi kicked down the door and what was awaiting us was tenkos slumped over body.

"a body has been discovered!"

I froze up at the announcement but kokichi kept a determined look in his eyes.

"come on chihiro let's investigate the body"

"right" I nodded shakinly.

I bent down and inspected her. I didn't see any injuries that could point to a cause of death.

"oh look what we've got here" kokichi said picking up a tin of...

"anti Dispair pills!" I gasped.

"yeah. The same ones I took when big sis died" kokichi muttered "my best guess is that she died of a overdose"


We looked around the room for a bit. I came across a letter.

"kokichi take a look at this" I said getting my boyfriends attention.

"whoe a letter" kokichi gasped "read it chi!" I nodded and read out load.

Dear classmates
I have committed a terrible sin and must pay for it with my life. I hope you think no less of me for this.

"a terrible sin? Is she talking about himiko?" I asked.

"I don't know chi" kokichi muttered "I've got a feeling it's much complicated then that"


"Well I think we've seen all we can in this room. Let's go back and inform the others" I said to kokichi.

"okie doki" kokichi grinned as we left the room.

Keades pov

I was investigating the room when I heard two extra body discovery announcements played.

"what could that be about" rantaro muttered.

Just then taka burst through the doors "guys I found Byakuyas body!"

We all froze but followed him down the hallway. Byakuya was slumped over the wall in a pool of his own blood. Leon and miu were already there. I guess that's why the announcement played.

Kyoko got down and inspected his body "judging by the wounds I can safely say he's been stabbed twenty-eight times in the gut"

"ouch" I muttered


She looked over his body and pulled out a note.

"what does it say?" I asked.

"let's see" she read out loud.

Dear Byakuya
I wish to meet with you in the rec room to discuss what to do moving forward. I've invited tenko along too so you don't have to worry about being alone with me.
Sinserly yours

"sakura invited tenko and Byakuya to meet with her" I muttered "if that's the case then why did she commit suicide?


Chihiro and kokichi ran up to us looking pale.

"hey guys welcome back" taka said in a friendly manner "where's tenko?"

There was silence.

"she's dead" chihiro said in a shaky voice.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Three people dead? This is too much!

The boys explained what happened and then Monokuma popped up saying its time. I turned to the red door with determined eyes.

It's time.

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