Everyone Blames Toko!

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Kokichis pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. Mama-chans dead. I really hoped it wouldn't come to this but I just that was just wishful thinking. Alright kokichi enough monologing. Its time to find the blackened.

"tokos definitely our murderer" rantaro muttered "I can't think of anyone else who would have done it"

"p-please it w-wasnt me" toko begged.

"so you say murderer" rantaro growled.

"hey let's not jump to conclusions" I stepped in "let's look over the evidence first"

"fine go ahead. It won't change the outcome of the trail" he said coldly. I felt chills run down my spine. What's wrong with him?

"ok let's start with the cause of death" kiibo said brightly "my scanners detected poison in her cup. The blood around her mouth also suggests she was poisoned"

"how ghastly" taka gasped.

"the note that toko found also suggests that she was lured there" I showed everyone the note.

"so she was lured away and killed. Son of a bitch!" mondo growled.

"this dose prove that toko isn't our killer though" I muttered.

"how the hell does that prove anything!" mondo yelled.

"cause if it was toko who lured her there then there's no way that she would sit down and have a meal with her!" I explained "Mama-chan was smarter then that"

"oh ok I guess that's fair" mondo shrugged.

"man he gives up easily" hina muttered.

"hey I know how to admit when I'm wrong" mondo mumbled.

"that's the thing I love most about you" taka giggled.

"dose this mean that toko not killer" gonta asked.

"it's seems that way" mokoto muttered.

Tokos eyes lit up "I'm f-free of s-suspicion! Oh k-kokichi I could k-kiss you right now!"

"I'd rather you didn't" I said feeling disturbed.

"ok so if toko didn't do it then who did?" kiibo asked.

"Well Kirumi left us a message before she died" I said showing them the cup "I think that's our clue to finding our killer"

"a J?" taka raised his eyebrow "there's no one in this class with a name that starts with J!"

"oh maybe it's someone's secret middle name" hina.

"then we w-wouldnt know it i-idiot" toko grumbled.

Suddenly it hit me "maybe it's upside down"

"upside down?" kiibo questioned.

I turned the glass upside down. My eyes widened "this isn't a J at all. It's an upside down r! And the only one left alive with an r in their name is you rantaro!" I pointed at him.

He looked surprised but quickly regained his composer "clever but that doesn't prove anything"

"that's right!" keade stepped in "you can't say rantaros the killer just because that J happened to look like an r"

"oh don't worry keade. I have more than that" I grinned confidently "rantaros been acting weird since the start. He's been constantly pushing the idea that toko was our killer before the investigation even begun. That's completely out of character"

"why are you doing this kokichi?" keade yelled tearfully "I thought you liked rantaro!"

"OF COURSE I DO!" I slammed my fists against the stand "but so many people have died just so we could keep living. Are you asking me to throw away their sacrifice just cause someone you like is going to die? That's selfish keade!"

She was speechless. I turned back to rantaro.

"Well rantaro. Do you have any defense?"

He chuckled weakly "your good kokichi. If you were in my previous killing game I doubt I would have made it out alive"

"I don't understand" I muttered.

"you don't have to" rantaro turned his back to us "just start with the voting"

We nodded and voted for rantaro.

"ding ding ding you got it right!" Monokuma cheered "the killer this time around is non other than mystery boy amomi!"

"rantaro why did you do it?" I asked. Unlike with the others I couldn't think of any reason rantaro would have to kill.

He turned to us with a smile "I found out what my talent is"


"I'm the ultimate survivor" he said calmly "and to survive is to beat the competition. To be the only one left standing. That's all there's is to it"

"rantaro" keade ran up and hugged him with tears in her eyes "why did you do it? I thought we were friends!"

"we are friends keade" he gently pushed her away "but I'm afraid I had something more important to look for" he gently petted her head "take care" he said with a gentle smile.

"let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiiits punishment Time!"

Rantaro was sitting in a classroom with pink and blue students. Suddenly the bell rang and two mechine guns popped out of the wall.

Rantaro amomis punishment
The last one standing

The guns started firing bullets, hitting the students. Rantaro skillfully avoided the bullets. He even used some of the students as human shields. Once he reached the door however it was locked. There was no escape. he was blasted with bullets and left to bleed out

"rantaro" keade looked at his body sadly.

Me and kaito immediately ran to her side. We were kinda like a team. When one of us is sad we all jump to help. It's kinda crazy to think about.

She smiled at us greatfully "thanks guys. Now get out of this place. No use staying miserable forever" she wiped the tears from her eyes and we all went back to the elevator.

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