Is Sakura A Friend Or Foe?

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Keades pov

"can everyone please come to the gymnasium  for a mo I need to get something off my chest"

I looked up in surprise. Isn't it a little early to be giving the Motive?

"Well we best get going" rantaro said squeezing my shoulder reassuringly.

"no" tenko whimpered "please I can't do this anymore!" chihiro and kokichi ran to her side and gently talked her into following her.

Eventually she agreed and we all walked to the gymnasium. It had basically become routine at this point. But what we were greated with wasn't a cheerful monokuma but a angry one.

"alright kiddos listen up! When you're working with someone your supposed to put their best interests before others right? So if you fail to do that don't expect any less from your partner."

"can you just get to the point" kirumi said irritated.

"I'm saying the partner I'm working with just betrayed me so I'm going to betray them back!" monokuma announced. Wait someone here working for the masterminds!?

"I'm sure most of you know this already but for all of you who were dead around the time the traitor in your class is... Sakura ogami!" I gasped. There no way. Sweet, kindhearted sakura is working for the mastermind.

"whew that feels good to get off my chest! Well I'm off you kids do what you want with that info" with that he vanished.

"so we're back to this again" kokichi muttered.

"so your telling me that you knew about this and let this walking threat wander the school freely" Byakuya glared at us.

"Byakuya it's ok sakura wouldn't-"

"quiet. You don't get to decide that" Byakuya cut hina off coldly "I refuse to trust the Masterminds puppet and if any of you had half a braincell you would do the same" with that he left.

"sakura" tenko muttered under her breath "I will make her pay for what she's done to himiko"

I stared at the ground nervously. I was forced to ask myself. Is sakura a friend or foe?

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum