Mondos Crush

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Mondos pov

"I gotta go now. Goodbye big bro" taka said giving me once last hug before running off. My face went red as he hugged me. He just makes me feel so goddamn good.

"god I love that boy" I muttered.

"ohhhhhhh" I jumped at the excited voice. I turned around to see kokichi and chihiro jumping about excitedly.

"da fuck! How long were you little shits standing there!" I yelled.

"we were standing here the whole time" chihiro replied.

"of course you were" I sighed.

"soooo you got a crush on taka boy" kokichi said wriggling his eyebrows.

"yeah so maybe I do! Ain't none of your fucking business!" I said turning red.

"aww come on mondo. You helped me with kokichi. Let me help you with taka" chihiro pleaded.

I sighed "things ain't the same with me and taka"

"why not?" chihiro demanded "is it cause you don't believe you deserve love? Cause you definitely do!"

"yeah! Open your eyes dumb dumb he clearly adores you!" kokichi yelled.

"r-really?" they nodded firmly "ok I'll confess to him tomorrow"

"yayyyy!" the two boys hugged and cheered. I chuckled as I watched them. Their really this happy for me?

Our wholesome moment was cut off by the Monokuma announcement. Whoopte-fucking-doo another Motive!

Time skip

Chihiros pov

The Motive was the same as last time. They showed us the how our hostages were doing in order to make us paranoid about the time we missed. Seeing my dad stuck in that tiny apartment made me want to cry.

"you ok chi?" kokichi asked.

"yeah I'm just worried about my dad" I muttered trying my best not to cry.

"I see" he nodded and hugged me from behind "Well there's no need to worry. We're going to get your dad out and when we do your going to introduce me as your boyfriend right?"

"definitely" I giggled, hugging him back.

He's right. I have to stay strong. For my daddy's sake and for Kokichis.

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now