Taking Back Our School!

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Kokichis pov

I was walking down the hallway by myself. I usually walk down with kaito and keade but I slept in this morning so they went on without me. Thoughts of last night were running through my head.



Neither of them deserved to die. This killing game is so damn unfair! But I should have known this already. I should have known that I can't save everyone.

So why dose it hurt so much?

I walked into the dining hall. I was greeted by the weak smiles of my friends.

"hey kokichi we saved you some breakfast" kaito said cheerfully.

"thanks" I nodded and took a seat.

"kokichi your neck!" keade gasped.

I gingerly touched my neck. It felt sore this morning but I didn't think it left a mark.

"oh that was probably from mondo" I brushed it off.

"son of a bitch!" kaito growled "I can't believe he attacked a little guy like you. Who the hell did he think he was!"

"he was seeing red kaito" I said firmly "I don't hold anything against him and you shouldn't either"

Everyone started smiling at me "what's up with you guys" I asked nervously.

"nothing. We just think you're a pretty great guy kokichi" kaito said ruffling my hair.

"h-hey! I'm not that great" I yelled turning red. I'm really not used to this friendship crap "say where's taka-"

Just as I said that taka burst through the door with a serious expression.

"I've had enough"

"enough of what taka?" hina asked worriedly.

Taka looked up at us with tears in his eyes "I've had enough of watching the people I love die! It's time we took a stand. It's time we took Tsumugi and junko down once and for all!"

"I'm in" I stood up "let's take those sons of bitches down!"

"hell yeah!" kaito cheered and soon everyone else joined in.

Looks like we just started a revolution!

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant