A New Day

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Keades pov

I woke up on a wet pillow. Oh yeah I cried myself to sleep last night. Who could blame me after what I saw. Shuichi, mokoto, sayaka, mucuro there all dead! But I gotta make the most of things. I gotta prevent this from happening again after all.

I got up, got dressed and went to the dining hall.

The mood was gloomy when I walked in. It makes sense we did just lose four people. Kaito and maki looked especially miserable. I took a seat next to them. They immediately got up and walked away. I guess they want to be left alone.

"hey keayayade come sit next to us" kokichi said waving his arm around. I smiled and sat next to him

"so how are you coping keade?" he said looking serious. I was surprised really. I've never seen him act like this. He's normally so childish.

"I'm doing ok kokichi thanks for asking" I smiled at him.

"I know it's hard right now but we just have to try harder next time"

"what do you mean next time" I asked.

"Well it's like Tsmugi said. We're stuck in a invinate time loop. So we just gotta keep trying until we get everyone out alive" he explained.

I grinned at him "your absolutely right kokichi we just gotta keep doing our best!" I felt alot better now. I'm definitely going to save everyone no matter how many tries it takes.

"sorry guys I need to go" chihiro said excusing himself.

"I wonder where he went all of a sudden" kokichi said.

"no idea" I muttered

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