Serial Killer

158 3 16

Keades pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. I was hoping this would never happen again but I guess that was just wishful thinking. I looked over at tenko and Hiro who were both deeply affected by the deaths of himiko and Angie. For their sakes I have to uncover the killer!

"jeez this is a tough one" hina sighed "I don't know who could kill two innocent girls like this"

"true. Its truly a cruel and unjustifiable act" korekiyo muttered.

"didn't you kill three girls last time" Leon pointed out.

"let's not focus on that" korekiyo said quickly "instead we should focus on the murder weapon"

"oh gonta knows this one!" gonta said excitedly "it is fire poker. Gonta found it hidden away. Killer must have hid murder weapon!

"clever boy gonta!" hina cheered while gonta looked pleased with himself.

"it was quite a bizarre weapon of choice don't you agree" kyoko muttered.

"what are you talking about?" Leon asked.

"I mean why a fire poker? Why not just a regular knife?"

"maybe the murder wasn't planned" mondo suggested.

"no the murder was definitely premeditated" I said firmly.

"eh? What makes you so goddamn sure" mondo asked.

"did you not notice the blood around the outside of the door? My guess is that they stuck the fire poker through the key hole and stabbed himiko at the back of the head when she least expected it"

"that's a very good observation keade" kyoko praised me.

"but are you sure it's not the other way around?" taka asked "she could have been stabbed through the eye and that would have still left a blood stain on the door"

(warning: small Discription about eyeballs. I know some of my viewer are sensitive to that stuff)

"no I'm positive it was from behind" I said firmly "the eyeball would have been crushed if it was from the front. Not dangling out like it was for himiko"

"oh I see. That makes alot of sense" taka nodded.

"so himikos murder was planned. Angies however feels messy and unplanned" rantaro muttered.

"sounds like that girl was once again in the wrong place at the wrong time" ryoma muttered.

"damnit angie" hiro sighed. I can't imagine how he feels losing the one he loves but we have to get through this together!

"you know you two have been awfully quite" rantaro said staring at kokichi and chihiro "I hope you two aren't planning something"

"no we were just thinking" chihiro muttered.

"thinking about what?" Byakuya asked.

"Well we might have found out who the killer is?"

"holy shit you did!" miu yelled.

"hey we said maybe don't get your hopes up!" kokichi scolded.

"Well please share what you found" I pleaded.

"Well we went into tenkos room-"

"you degenerates! How dare you sneak into my room!" tenko yelled angrily.

"I'm really sorry tenko but we had to for the investigation!" chihiro said apologetically "anyway we found this" he showed us tenkos bloody clothing!

"holy fuck that's alot of blood! That's way to much to be just a period accident" miu yelled.

"too much information" Leon said turning red.

"tenko can you explain this?" I asked shakingly. I won't believe it. There's no way tenko would ever harm himiko!

"go ahead and kill me" tenko said emotionlessly "I deserve it anyway"

"is that a sign of guilt?" korekiyo asked.

"no I think something else is going on here" I said firmly "tenko can you please explain what you mean?"

"I let down again" she whimpered "she was right in front of me. I was going to confess my love to her at last and I just let her die! I don't deserve to be a Akido Master. I don't even deserve to be alive!" she broke down.

"tenko" hina said clearly feeling bad for the girl.

Wait a minute. If the killer stabbed himiko from behind the door then they must have known she'd be standing there. To have known that they'd have to have overheard tenko and himiko meet up times!

"tenko did anyone overhear your meeting time with himiko" I asked.

"now that you mention it the only person that was in the room was... Korekiyo!"

We all turned to korekiyo.

"Well played everyone it seems I've been found out. Oh well I was planning on this outcome anyway" korekiyo giggled to himself.

Before we could say anything Monokuma popped up demanding the votes. We voted for korekiyo and got it right.

"why korekiyo" hina sobbed.

"if you say you did for the sake of your sister again I'll kick your ass" Hiro yelled.

"but it was for the the sake of my sister" he giggled "everything I do is for the sake of my beloved sister"

"why you!" Hiro charged at him only to be held back by mondo and taka.

"haha my sister always loved me. She even forced her love on me. That's how much she loved me" his giggling got more deranged.

"she raped you?" I covered my mouth in shock.

"Jesus christ" mondo muttered.

"you might see that as evil but I love her for it and now I'm going to see her again. Isn't that right Monokuma?"

"that's right!" Monokuma said gleefully "let's give it everything we've got iiiiits punishment Time!"

Korekiyo was pinned down to a bed with handcuffs. The whole thing looked like something out of fifty shades of grey. The sigh above him read.

Korekiyos punishment
The love of a sister

A woman who looked like Korekiyos sister came in and sat on kiyos stomach. She began to... Violate him. At the end she pulled out a knife and slit open his stomach leaving him to blead to death.

I couldn't speak. I could bearly breathe. All I could do was silently enter the elevator with the others.

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