I was just thinking about getting up to get ready for school when my bedroom door busted open with enough force I think the handle went through the wall. Looking in that direction I found myself groaning wishing I could pull the covers over my face and pretend to still be asleep. "Now don't do that! I know you've been awake since dawn like usual!" Aphrodite scoffed at me before walking over to my bed and literally yanking me out of my place of comfort and dragging me pajama shorts and all into the living room as I try and wipe the sleep out of my eyes with my free hand.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" I heard shouting causing me to actually pay attention to what is going on. There stood Iruka Sensei, Kiba with Akamaru, and Aphrodite's pet Naruto holding a huge cake with the number 12 on top of it. I found my eyes widening as I look from them to the cake then to Aphrodite. Feeling my cheeks flush red from being in front of them in my pajamas I try and ignore the embarrassment as I walk up to them.

"Make a wish Kira" Iruka Sensei smiled down at me gently. Now.. Why did this all seem familiar? I ask myself but shrug the feeling off before leaning forward and blowing out my candles. Cake before school? Who could wish for anything else? I thought to myself as the flames blinked out.

*3rd person*

At the Shuriken practice exam the class had to line up and wait to be called individually to throw their shuriken weapons at the posts. Quite simple for a few of them. A decent work out for others, and rather difficult for the rest. The class could only use a selected number of kunai and shuriken to hit the specified targets. But when it came to one girl's turn to throw, the girls in line began to talk about the black haired ice queen as they call her.

"Watch, she'll show off for Sasuke again." One brunet said crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I know right, how pathetic can she be?" One of the girls next to her replied as she had just finished with her turn. Only achieving three out of five targets in their allowed single throw.

Aphrodite who was standing in between Sasuke and Kiba turns on her toes and glared behind Kiba at the other girls. "Gosh if you are soo jealous of her why not practice more!" She shouted achieving a snicker from Kiba causing her cheeks to go red.

Kira ignoring the commotion around her and the eyes that are upon her, pulled out the allowed weapons and leapt into the air. Remembering before Aphrodite had voted that Kira hide away her Ipad, Ihome, and the like; to just go through the anime upon memory and try to make a home for them without it. Itachi had done the exact same thing she was doing now within one of the episodes of before his mission to eradicate the Uchihas. Gasps could be heard through out the class as Iruka's eyes widened in surprise. She had practice too long and too hard to perfect this move to fail now. Sending herself into a spin as she began falling head first to the ground she counted the seconds remembering where every single target was placed.

Suddenly opening her eyes she threw first the shuriken and then the kunai since the rules of this practice were... The targets had to hit with the shuriken only. Her kunai intercepted the shuriken to knock them the directions they needed to fly in. Seconds ticked past before the thudding sounds of weapons hitting their marks rang throughout the now silent practice area. Kira tucked into a ball to flip backwards so she was no longer plummeting with her head towards the ground.

Landing in a crouch on the ground Kira gives herself a second to regain her bearings from spinning upside down as she had before standing up. "Woohoo! Go Kira! That was completely Awesome cuz!" Aphrodite shouts out towards her cousin who had finally nailed the very move she would spy Kira attempting over and over again in the darkened training grounds they frequent. She was honestly happy for her even if she was the only one cheering. Iruka was stunned into silence as he was looking from Kira to all of the targets containing the proper shuriken. In the graduating classes it was normal for students to miss one or two. But as far as he knew only two people had managed ever to hit them all. Granted she's older than either of the previous boys but something told Iruka.. That she was still holding back.

Now What Have I Gotten Myself Into? ~Enter Konoha's number one knuckle headWhere stories live. Discover now