Chapter 2 Hurricane

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The seriousness of his tone and what XiChen was saying had a sobering effect on Wei Ying. He went to stand by Lan Zhan, clutching his hand tightly.

The Prophecy that Uncle Qiren had mentioned, the one that had him and his XiChen-Ge in a panic, the day they found out about the Soul Bond.

"What does it say, Brother?" Lan Zhan asked.

Suddenly, Wei Ying didn't want to know. He tugged on the warm hand encasing his. Fear clouded his silver eyes as he stared deeply into golden ones.

"What is wrong?" Lan Zhan asked him, gently.

"I'm scared." Wei Ying admitted.


"Because... because this is about us... it's more important." He rested his forehead against a strong white-clad shoulder. "I couldn't bear it if it's something bad."

Lan Zhan kissed the top of his head.

"I am not afraid." He replied, waiting for Wei Ying to look up.

"You're not scared of anything!" He retorted.

"Only one thing."

Those three words spoke volumes.

Wei Ying swallowed thickly. They both knew what he was afraid of: losing Wei Ying.

"But we are together. We can do anything." Lan Zhan encouraged.

The power of that single word worked wonders.

Wei Ying took in a deep breath. Lan Zhan squeezed his hand, and then they faced XiChen together.

"I haven't told Uncle yet. I wanted you both to hear it from me first. As Clan Leader."

Wei Ying stood straighter at that. He felt as if he was standing on the edge of a knife, and whatever came next was going to shove him in either direction; he wouldn't have a choice.

"Okay, we're ready."

XiChen smiled kindly at them both, but he remained serious.

"Here. Do not read it out loud. I have warded this place but we cannot be too careful."

He handed them an open book.

Lan Zhan took it from him and shared with Wei Ying.

It read:

Dark equals light,
Eternal chase goes on.
Supremacy a fight,
Yet one cannot exist,
Without the other.

Soul Bond if complete,
Entices Demon hoard,
Two remain to ward,
Each their own protection,
Lest they perish
Into dark.

Wei Ying read it again, commiting it to memory.

"That could mean anything, Brother." Lan Zhan said, at last.

"I want you both to study this. We need to find out everything we can, before we present it to Uncle and the Elders."

"Agreed." Lan Zhan replied.

Wei Ying looked from one brother to the other. They seemed to know something that he didn't.


Lan Zhan pulled him closer instead of answering. Wei Ying reached up to cup his face.

"Why?" He asked again, his mouth dry.

"The Elders and Uncle..." He stopped speaking and closed his eyes.

"What Didi is trying to say, is that they won't understand. They have had a bad history with Prophecies and anything of a supernatural content."

"But... surely not Uncle?" Wei Ying couldn't believe it.

"He's much better now, but it would be prudent to wait. Do your research." XiChen waited patiently.

"Thank you, Brother." Lan Zhan bowed again, and Wei Ying followed, absentmindedly.

"I'm sure something else can be found to help you here, but I will leave you to it." XiChen removed the wards and left.

"Brother has given us much help." Lan Zhan said, watching Wei Ying carefully.

"What aren't you telling me?" Wei Ying stood back, equally on guard.

Lan Zhan remained quiet.

"My love, I shouldn't have to tell you, there are no secrets between us. If there are, it shows a lack of trust." Wei Ying spread his hands out in front of him. "You know everything there is to know about me. This is your chance."

He stepped forward.

"Even if it's hard, you can tell me anything. I want you to know, I am here for you now. Nothing is off limits."

Lan Zhan shuffled forward too, into his waiting arms.

Wei Ying recognized the need for comfort and held him close.

"I mean it."

"Uncle and the Elders were responsible for the discipline whip."

That's all he had to say.

Wei Ying could feel the faint traces of the scarred ridges on his back...all thirty three of them, some overlapping to cause more pain.

"My Lan Zhan is so strong." He soothed. "I... I'm responsible for that. It's my fault they hurt you like...that." He choked back a sob.

"No!" Lan Zhan held him tighter. "Not Wei Ying's fault. My choice. My choice alone." He repeated.

"It doesn't matter." He said, wiping away his tears. "We should make the most of this chance." He stepped back, out of the sanctuary that protected them both.

Silently, they both tackled each side of the Forbidden room, one shelf at a time. Only a handful of books had anything related to what they were searching for.

Wei Ying eyed the pile in Lan Zhan's arms despondently.

"Let's talk about this at home."


Outside, the library was quiet but still a few people watched them leave, although no one had the bravery required to ask the second Jade what they were doing.

Winter was approaching fast now, the breeze colder than a few weeks ago. Wei Ying shivered, feeling it deep inside, despite his new body which could stand different temperatures better.

Lan Zhan wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer as they walked back.

A disciple stopped them just as they were close to the Jingshi.

"Lan Qiren would like to speak with you." He said, looking at Wei Ying.

When Lan Zhan went to go with him, he was stopped.

"Elder Qiren has requested him alone. I was to tell you that." The disciple scurried away, already frightened by the wrath of the second Jade.

Wei Ying looked up at him.

"Why does he want to see me alone?"

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