Chapter 35 - Dirty Money - R.I.P

Start from the beginning

            “I’m kidding, what are you doing today?” Sin asked.

            “My collections, why?” Samuele asked, suspiciously. Turning around he opened up a drawer in the kitchen and started fumbling around knives and forks.

            Sin watched the back of his best friend fighting back the tears as he removed his gun from his jacket pocket, “Just wondering,” he said, his voice a little shaky.

            “I didn’t think it would be you Sin,” Sammy said, his voice shaky also.

            Sin’s hand began shaking and the gun was pointing all over the place.  “What do you mean?” He asked trying to keep his voice calm.

            “You never visit, all of a sudden you come around asking what I’m up to today? What in case I had plans with someone and they knew something was up?” Samuele spun around and fired a shot from the small pistol in his hand hitting the wall beside Sin. 

            Sin quickly fired a shot hitting Samuele directly in the eye and fired a second shot into his chest. The captain walked over to his best friend and looked at his bloody corpse one last time.

            Albert breathed a sigh of relief as he made it inside of Tanya’s closely followed by Mike; who was struggling to put the umbrella down; the wind was fierce and threatened to snatch it from his hands. The rain belted down - forming pools outside on the surface, lightening flashed across the sky, trees whipped back and forth, while thunder made sure that this force of nature was heard.

            “Hey Al,” Donny said, as soon as the Irishman saw the boss. He helped himself off the bar stool with the support of his cane.

            “Don’t get up,” Al said waving him down.

            “They’re over there,” Donny pointed to the far end of the venue where Carlos and Eddie sat waiting with warm drinks for the cold weather.

            “Thanks, you need anything?” Albert asked.

            Donny shook his head, “Nah I’m going upstairs to sleep.”

            Mike took a seat at the bar while Albert made his way over to the only two captains present at the meeting. They both stood and greeted him respectfully as he approached. “We all put in and got the best lawyer looking into Alonzo’s case,” Carlos said, before Albert even sat down.

            The boss nodded, “Any one heard from Sin?”

            Eddie shook his head. Carlos shrugged, “I called my boy he said not to worry.”

            Albert parted his thumb and index finger through his moustache as he thought about what to discuss. “Where’d you guys park? Fucking car park is flooded.”

            Eddie shrugged, “My boy is still parking somewhere.” 

            Carlos laughed, “We parked across the road on the higher ground.”

             Albert nodded, “Me too.” 

            “Hey Vincent,” Carlos called to his young associate sitting across from them at the bar.

            “Yeah skipper?” Vincent asked.

            “Take the umbrella and go check-“ Carlos stopped talking and his eyes darted to the front entrance door. Albert spun around in his chair.

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