Chapter 21 Part 2

Start from the beginning

Y/N:- (smiled and raised her hand to give him a high five)

Lee Rang swiftly:-

They both looked at him confused

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They both looked at him confused

Lee Rang:- (fake smile ) oh I was just giving you your file ,it was fallen down !

J:- (smiled) Ohh ,ya thanks , so what's next guys ?

Y/N:- umm there are some graveyards that have people buried from world war 2 right ?

J :- actually ya ,I even have direct access through my system to check it !

Y/N:- Noice! 😎

Lee Rang:- (scoffed) do you guys have any idea how Many people died , most of them were not even given a proper burial...(in intense tone) they were just...bodies and blood everywhere! Like they just made a pile of dead humans and burned or just buried them all together! ( pain in his eyes and voice )...that's why I just HATE HUMANS! They will just come to your home one day and burn it , like it's nothing (his eyes all teary)

Y/N:- (she immediately sensed something  was wrong and walked upto him and gave him water , while rubbing his back ) hey are okay!?

Suddenly one of the police man called J outside

J:- umm excuse me guys , I'll come in a bit (exits)

Y/N:- (bent down on her knee ,her one hand was holding his hand and other caressing his face) Hey ,you can share anything you are feeling and...(she was really confused why did war thing effect him soo much like he had lost someone of his own but whatever it was ,she just wanted to console him)...and you are right , human sucks !

Lee rang looked at her

Y/N:- ya, I mean specially in history, like because of the ego of 2 stupid men in power they made whole bunch of innocent people fight in the name of country, religion and all ,like imagine a soldier leaving his family, children, his whole life behind and in return all his/her family gets back is their clothes and items recovered from their dead bodies, I can't even imagine how traumatizing it would have been for people at that time!
(Sad voice)  I remember reading an article about how after war ended, the army removed thousands of wedding rings from the dead soldiers, they were not just rings but...(breaking voice) thousands and millions of love stories that abruptly ended at that moment! It's just....sad and horrible!

Y/N:-(Then looks up at him cupping his face with both of her hands) but you know what ! Their are and were such amazing and beautiful people out there too!
Like there was this women at the time of nazi camps, who used to work there as a plumber and saved around 2500 children, carrying them in her box and you know who was her partner in this ?

Lee Rang:- (innocently) Who?

Y/N:- (smiled) Her dog ! He used to bark every time when he used to see someone as threat !

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