"We're suppose to be working." Alec said panting.

"Aw, you are so cute when you tries to be serious." Anna said smirking and they stopped.

"Oh I told you not to flirt with me." Alec said and in a second he pinned Anna to a wall kissing her like there was no tomorrow. Anna tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled slowly and Alec groaned in the kiss, Anna smirking against his lips. She was ready to take his shirt off when Alec pulled away. She looked at him confused while he was panting. He then picked her up and put her legs around his waist. "Hold the thought until we get in bedroom." Alec said in a husky voice that send a shiver down her spine.

"Alec. Not now!" Anna said smiling.

"Nope. You said that when you will get back from your business with Magnus we will do whatever I want to do. And I want this. I am just following the terms of our agreement." Alec said smirking and Anna rolled her eyes while pulling him for a long kiss. After she pulled away she looked at him biting her lip and Alec groaned. "By the Angel, Bella. Stop doing that or you would make me take you right her right now." Alec said and Anna giggled. "Now, hug my neck, lean your head on my shoulder and pretend you are sleeping until we get to the bathroom. This way we won't get weird looks." Alec instructed and Anna smiled and nodded as she did as she was told. In just 3 minutes they were in Alec's room and he put her on his bed and him being on top of her. 

"God, I missed you." Alec said caressing her cheek and Anna her eyes enjoying his touch.

"I missed you too." Anna said smiling and brought his lips to hers.


After a lot of fun, Anna was having her head on a pillow and Alec looking at her with loving eyes. She opened her eyes and looked at him and smiled.

"Hey." She said smiling.

"Hey." Alec said smiling while his hand was running through her hair and then caressing her cheek and then her bare shoulder. 

"You gave me that look again." Anna said and Alec looked at her confused.

"What look?" He asked.

"That look that you gave me when we were at our date. The kind of look you give to a new born baby, or something so fragile that you are afraid that even your breath is enough to break it." Anna explained and Alec just looked at her. "You don't have to worry about me Alec. I am fine. In fact, as long as I am with you I am better than fine." Anna said smiling.

Alec smiled and nodded. "I know, it's just-I'm still amazed how strong you are and how you can still smile after everything you went through." Alec said putting his hand on her cheek and Anna smiled.

"You, Jace, Izzy, Magnus. You all keep me going. And I would rather smile and cherish the people I still have around me than mourn the people I can't have back." Anna said and Alec pulled her closer and he wrapped his arms around her. Anna snuzzled closer to him and closed her eyes taking in the warmth he gives her. Soon they heard a knock at the door and Alec took a pair of shorts and opened the door to see Jace. 

"Hey." Alec greeted.

"Hey. We've got a problem." Jace said and when Anna heard his voice she got one of Alec's shirts and got in front of her boyfriend.

"What can we do baby brother?" Anna asked smirking.

"Clary is alive." Jace said and Anna and Alec looked at each other in shock as they looked back at Jace.


"Alright. The Institute of Paris announced that one of his members is missing." Anna said looking on her phone and soon she heard Luke's voice. 

"Well tell them to look no more. I think we found him." Luke said and they saw the dead body of a man lying down. Anna looked closer and could see that he died because his neck was snapped.

"Snapped neck. Classic technique of killing for mostly demons." Anna explained and she walked towards the street ahead. They got somewhere where they couldn't see the red headed girl and they got frustrated.

"We lost them." Alec informed.

"We don't have time to look through all Paris. It will take us hours and in the meant time they will get at the hiding spot." Jace informed. Anna looked around and saw a man. 

She walked towards him, the rest behind. "Excuse-moi Monsieur. Avez-vous vu une adolescente aux cheveux roux et aux yeux verts et un gentlement avec elle?" (Excuse me Mr. Have you seen a read headed teenager and a guy with her?) Anna asked and as the others looked shocked at her the man smiled and nodded.

"Ils l'ont pris tout droit et ont tourne a droit. Vous ne pouvez pas les manquer." (They walked right ahead and they took a turn to right. You can't miss them.) The man informed and Anna smiled and nodded.

"Merci beaucoup, Monsieur." (Thank you very much Mr.) Anna said smiling and turned to the others. "Let's go." Anna said and she started to run.

"You can talk French?" Alec asked shocked.

"Of course. Wait, you can't?!" Anna asked surprised and Jace and Alec shook their heads. "Well, that sucks. Visiting Paris is one of the best thing you will do in your life. And not knowing to talk their language kind of hurt the people here." Anna informed as they run. Soon they arrived at an arcade where they saw Clary with a red headed boy behind.

"Stop. Stop. Don't shoot!" Clary said as Alec prepared his arrow.

"Anabella!" The boy said smiling wide and Anna looked at him confused.

"If you kill him, I die too." Clary informed and the others looked at each other.

"Lower your weapons." Anna declared and Alec looked at her as she nodded and he let the bow and arrow down.

"I knew I should have never trusted you." The boy said and Clary smirked.

"Let's be real Jonathan. We never trusted each other." Clary said and took his knife stabbing her leg. Jonathan winced in pain.

"You little bitch!" Jonathan yelled as he run away. Jace run to Clary and run his stele over her iratze.

Anna smiled at her little brother and his girlfriend and she walked to Alec and hugged his waist while he put an arm around her. 

"He got away." Alec said looking in the direction Jonathan run.

"He did, but you heard Clary. As long as he is linked to her, if we try to kill him, we kill her along with him." Anna explained while resting her head on his chest.

"Did you heard him calling your name?" Alec asked and Anna nodded.

"I did." She confessed.

"What is he planning?  And why you from everyone?" Alec asked curious and worried.

"Hey, as long as I am next to you nothing can hurt me or you or whoever is dear to us. We will fight everything together, like always." Anna said smiling and Alec smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Anna?" Anna heard Clary's voice and turned to her smiling. "Is it really you?" Clary asked and Anna smiled and nodded. Clary then run to her and hugged her tight. "Oh my God. It's so good to have you back." Clary said in the hug.

"Yeah. You too." Anna said smiling as she looked at Jace who was smiling and she winked at him. "Now, enough chit chat and let's get back home." Anna said smiling while pulling away from the hug.

"Home. I think that's what I missed the most." Clary said and Anna made a portal and everybody went through it.

Love in the darkness | A.LightwoodWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu