Bonus Chapter -5-

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Sean Britto

Four Days Later
It's four days since I last saw Annabelle or my kids, she's not picking my calls even though I send her a bunch of messages telling her I have a new number and I'm begging her to talk to me. She's still so mad and I don't know where she is, her mother came looking for her on Sunday so I know she didn't go to their house.

I called Brian and I know she didn't go there either, she wouldn't do anything stupid having the kids with her. I know her, she isn't that outrageous and she doesn't go off the rail crazy when she is upset. She normally folds into her shell and stays that way. I'm trying my best to stay calm until she cools off. But it's getting to me with each passing day that I don't hear from her.

How I long to touch her, to hold her in my arms, to make love to her, I miss her, the patients it takes to wait is sending me crazy and I don't know how much longer before I flip out and lose my sanity.

"Still, no word from her" comes a low bass voice, bringing me out of my thoughts. I turn my head and only then did I realize Demitri was in my office. He came two days ago to transact some business and get fitted for his suit since he and Brian are my groomsmen.

He came on Wednesday and saw the empty house and I had to tell him what went down between Annabelle and me. His only words to me were to fight for her.

I tilt my head to the side motioning him to sit. "Did you hear me?"

I shake my head, turning back to the view in front of me.

"My flight leaves in an hour, are you going to be alright."

"I have to be," I say lowly.

"Sean, you are a grown man. Never let the past dictate the outcome of your future. Keep the past where it belongs." 

With that, he gets up. Come around my table, and stood in front of me. "Get up, off your ass, and think. Stop wallowing in self-pity and study your damn head where could she be. They must be someplace she goes to get away from you."

I wrack my brain high and low, where would you go Annabelle that I can't follow.

"Where did she live before moving in with you? Does she have any other friend?"

"I never ask what she did with her apartment."

I stood up, she must be there. I hug my brother, "thank God you came. That never crossed my mind."

"This right here, is the reason I'm older. My work here has ended," he patted my shoulder. "Hurry, go get her. I bought my suit for a reason."

I took off my blazer, roll up my shirt sleeves and lose a few of my top shirt buttons. "You good if I leave you," I ask on my way to the door.

"I'm going to the airport and can manage. Go, go get my sister-in-law and my nieces and nephew."

He hurries me off, pushing me out the door. I rush to the elevator but it's in motion so I have to wait. I rush back to my office hugging my brother, "thank you." I said.

"Don't mention it," he pats my shoulder one last time pushing me out again. "Go" was all he said.

I rush back to the elevator, this time it opens. My heart race as I impatiently wait for my stop. As soon as the door opens I run out colliding with Brian scattering the folders he has in his hand.

"Why are you running like a mad man?" He shouts at me.

"I think I know where she is."

"What are you waiting for? go, go. I got this."

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