Bonus chapter -1-

516 38 12


Sean Britto

One year later

Today the twins are one year old. Annabelle arranges a photoshoot for the family and we currently trying to get the girls to settle down so the photographer can do her job.

The girls are more than a hand full and keep us on our toes, Annabelle hasn't gone back to work she's a worrywart she's afraid to leave their side.

I think she will go crazy running around behind the twins and plan our wedding.

Our wedding is coming up in two months, on June 24th. I can't believe it's almost two years already. I wanted us to get married right after the girls were born but Annabelle in all her stubbornness didn't want people saying we got marry because of the twins.

She got pregnant so fast and our relationship had barely begun we were still getting to know each other. During that time so much has happened and it took a while for Annabelle especially to cope with it all. It's in the past and I'm happy we're over it now.

It took her a very long time to heal after the girls, I don't want her pregnant any time soon because of that ordeal. I want our family to adjust before we even think about any more babies. Especially with summer and Sienna.

We have our ups and downs but all in all our relationship is developing well and I can't wait to make her my wife. Steph is a great big brother but the girls are a little too much for him. They are moving around quite a bit and very frisky. We hire a live-in nanny to help because they team up on Annabelle when I'm not around. They are now learning to talk, Summer is a daddy's girl. She clings to me and everyone wonders how she will ever go to school when Annabelle is ready to go back to work. She's just one year old and probably will grow out of it. Sienna on the other hand isn't as clingy as summer. Summer would whine and cry if I walk into the room and didn't pay her any mind.

The photographer signal Steph and I to join the girls and arrange us for the family photos. After two hours of retry, the girls running around, and steph getting tired we were able to complete the shoot having some great shots.

"I didn't know a photoshoot can tire me out like this."

"Me either," said Annabelle. "The next shoot is when they are grown, I had a whole day of work out."

I walk up to her, putting my arms around her waist bringing her close to me "trust me you haven't had all your workout for today." I press my lips to her, she responded right away putting her arms around my shoulder kissing me. The next thing I feel is someone clinging to my leg crying. When I look down Summer is cry stretching her tiny arms up to me. Annabelle frown, "take your daughter" and walks off in the direction of the kitchen.

"Baby girl, if daddy didn't kiss mummy you wouldn't even exist." I reach down scooping her up in my arms. I wipe her face and kiss her cheeks. "Daddy's Summer girl," she giggles leaning her head on my shoulder. I walk over to Sienna, picking her up too walking up to their room to play with them. Steph soon follows and we are in a war, where I drove Sienna around in the air like an airplane. We end in fits of laughter as bombs were thrown at us by Steph and Summer.

I think I wore them out enough for them to sleep through the night. My phone vibrates in my pocket I pull it out to see a text from Cindy. She has been texting me these sexual messages although I don't respond to them, she keeps up with it. It's beginning to tell on my nerve because if Annabelle finds out about it no telling what will go down. I'm not about to cause trouble in my paradise.

I walk to the guest room leaving the kids to play in the twin's room. I dial her number and she answers right away.

"Cindy, what the hell are you doing."

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