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Annabelle Inniss

Today is my birthday, I wake up to Sean making breakfast and we ate together on the kitchen island. He made pancakes with whip cream, eggs, and freshly squeezed orange juice. We are catching up on this week as it was pretty busy for both of us at work. By the time we get home, I'm bone tired and my ankles are swollen. This new week Sean ask me to take a week off to allow the swelling to go down.

I don't want to put on too much baby weight but at this point, I'm a fatty, my breast is fuller than they have ever been, my butt has grown so thick and my face. The twins decided that they want me as big as possible and I have no saying in the matter. At first, I couldn't eat anything I'm throwing up now that I can eat in eating everything in my path. And don't get me started with my cravings.

My sisters came to pick me up, soon after breakfast they have a spa day plan for me, I wanted to spend the day with Sean but I couldn't say no to the girls and they promise Sean will pick me up once they finish pampering me for the day. They treat me like an egg after what happened with John, who by the way is found guilty of 4 counts of assault against women and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Three extra years for the trauma he put me through with the twins and emotional distress.

I'm happy that phase of my life is over and it's behind me. Sean is a great boyfriend he's considerate, trustworthy, respectful, responsible and most importantly he loves me and I love him.

Sean, Jinette, and my sisters plan a party for my 26 birthday. I'm so excited and can't wait to celebrate with my family. I've never had a big celebration before usually Jinette and I bench watch old movies and order in whatever we feel to eat at the time but since Jinette is married and I went away to Guyana I celebrated alone.

Thanks to my amazing boyfriend I can celebrate in matching outfits with my adorable boyfriend while being pregnant with twins, it's amazing how life is so unspoken and can make a turn in any direction whether good, bad, tempting, scandalous, or whatever shapes unspoken it's a testament of how great you will turn out in the end. This year has certainly been a testament to that.

Sean opens the car door holding out his hand for me, I say "thank you." He holds my hands walking us into the hall which was decorated pink but trimmed with grey and white. There were balloons everywhere with a beautifully decorated arch with my photograph in the middle before walking me to my seat Sean introduced me to his father, brother, and sister-in-law. They seem very nice, and I couldn't envision a better start to my party. I didn't even know his parents were coming up for my party.

He walks me to the single-seat with a fluffy cushion for my back. He holds my hand until I'm seated, when he was about to walk away I clasp onto his arm he kisses my temple, "today is your day enjoy baby, I'm right here." He steps away from me as my brother the host of the program began with the welcome remarks. I smile from ears to ears I didn't know he had a formal program plan or what he had planned for the day.

Aaron made everyone laugh when he talks about me being a tomboy when I say a child. He opens the floor for speeches, one by one my family and friend give their remark about how I impact their lives and how good a friend I am to them. It brought tears to my eyes hearing how important I am to my family. My face is probably a mess with all the crying I'm doing right now but I couldn't help especially with the hormones.

When it was Sean's turn he walks up to me taking my hands placing me on my feet, he smiles at me turning me around to face the projected screen with my photo highlighted. It began to highlight different photographs of me, it brought more tears to my eyes to know he thought of this, he video me singing my favourite song foreplay in the shower. I couldn't help but hum along,  "but me haffi tell you to say me love it when you finger me, something special bout the feeling, weh me feel you index into me. Put it inna my region." I was laughing through my tears at how good he caught me.

the videos went on as he caught me eating my pickles and ice cream juggling them on my baby bump.  He certainly had this plan out as I bald my eyes out as our ultrasound video came up next, when did he had time to do all this, my mind was clogged with all the videos and photographs of us that I never knew he took.

Sean place a single chair behind me just in case I couldn't stand any longer but I was too mesmerized by the videography to sit at this moment. But the next video stuns me and I took a few steps back covering my mouth with my hands, I blink a few times when I look back at him he was down on his knees as the video rolls on of him asking my father for my hand in marriage.

"Annabelle Innis, with this ring I give you my heart. I promise from this day forward you will never walk alone, my heart will be your shelter and your home always. I want a home filled with your loveliness, charms, and feistiness. I want children as beautiful as you are, I dream of a beautiful kingdom, where you're the Queen and I'm the king, where our children are royals around our table. Annabelle, I want to grow old with you, to be the one you always run to, at any time day or night. I want to spend forever with you baby. I want to be there by your side in moments of joy, sorrow, laughter or tears. I want to be the hands to wipe your tears always. I want to be your everything just as you are my everything. Your touch, your soul, your body I want it all for an eternity. Will you marry me, Annabelle Innis?"

He stretches out his hand with the box in his hand, it had a beautiful enormous dazzling diamond ring. I cried even harder as my sisters gather around holding me up, while everyone chants "yes." I lose my hold on Ariel and Arizona and went down on my knees although Sean tries to stop me, hugging him. I cried on his shoulder saying "yes! I will marry you." As everyone cheers.

He stood up picking me up on my feet. He slips the ring on my ring finger. This is one of the happiest days of my life, I had no idea he had this plan, I didn't even suspect him making plans. The best birthday ever. Our family came around congratulates me as I still couldn't believe my eyes, ears, or mouth that this actually is happening to me at this moment. I remembered when I was so timid of being in a relationship but this man Sean Britto came and throw my fears away, he was patient, kind, loving, caring, and most of all understanding of all my anxieties putting them to rest. I couldn't be happier sitting here staring at the man I love enjoying the rest of the video where Steph is asking me to be a part of his life.

I couldn't predict these unspoken turn of events but I'm happy to venture out into these shapes with this incredible man, my man, my fiance, and soon to be husband.

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