
371 35 14


Annabelle Inniss

My first day back at work and I'm loving it. I'm an International affairs officer. I'm happy they kept the position for me after being away for so long. I wanted to return to work sooner but Sean wasn't having it, he was so sweet to me I couldn't argue with him.

He's the best boyfriend and he spoiled me during the time my nightmares bother me. He didn't leave my side and accompany me to every session with my sleep therapist. He made this entire ordeal bearable and I love him for it. He even gets me my pickles and ice cream whenever I have my cravings. Even if I wake during the night and needed anything at all he is there and never complains.

The twins are doing great and finally, they allow me to eat without puking my guts out. Now the puking is over I can't stand very long and walk very far but I'm happy we are having girls to balance out the house since I'm the only girl at the moment. Steph and I get along great he's very smart for his age and well mannered. Cindy and Sean did a great job raising him. Steph doesn't know their gender but he's excited either way.

The trial is presenting ongoing and John is detained. My father and brother are working hard to put him away for a very long time. They are two other women coming forward with claims of him doing the same to them.

I was busy throughout the day trying to catch up with everything that happened over the past two months, the person filling in I planned on keeping her on after the twins are born it will take time for me to heal. Also, I don't know if I will be as bad as Jinette and can't take my eyes off of them. Jinette is also pregnant and back at work after more than a year, our children will be best friends and if they aren't we will just arrange them for each other. I chuckled at that idea.

The day went on uneventful and Samantha my assistant is very helpful. Although the day was for me to catch up on the day-to-day operations of the office it was pretty easy because of how organized everything was.

The workday has ended and my driver and bodyguard which I couldn't argue with my dad about and Sean agreed with his decision. Escorted me to my car, he drove to steph school we picked him up driving home.

"How was your day baby I ask as we drive along?"

"I'm not a baby aunt Anna."

"That's right I keep forgetting you're a big boy, my mistake." I kiss his little cheeks "am I forgiven."

He smiles "can I touch my baby brother."

"Sorry buddy, I wanted to get you a brother but I'm giving you two sisters.

His mouth opens up and he laughs at "two of them" he puts out two fingers.

"I'm going to have two sisters, are they both in your tummy."

I nod my head "and you're going to be the best big brother ever."

"Daddy says I have to protect the babies."

"That's right, big brother Steph." I bought him a big brother tee shirt and made a mental note to give him when we reach home.

We talk the entire way home about his school and what he did today. We arrived home miss Sarah had already made dinner and steph and I went to freshen up. I shower and check on steph.

We went down to the dining room to eat dinner, steph was tired and went straight to his room. I tucked him in reading his favourite storybook fireman small. His eyes soon close and he was off to dreamland.

I went back to the kitchen take out my pickles from the refrigerator popping one into my mouth while I walk to the sitting room. I take out my phone and decide to check the news, I was reading building international alliances when a notification on Instagram came in. I checked the feed and it's Sean and Cindy sitting cosily having dinner, the gram was going crazy with comments and I have to admit they were getting to me because Sean never told me he had dinner plans with Cindy.

Why wouldn't he tell me, I screen flash the post and send it to him, I'm not about to go around the edges on this, he better have a good explanation. After the love and affection, he shows me I'm not even going to damage my psyche with this until I hear his side of things. He always says come to him first with whatever but here he is doing the opposite, that bothered me a little, I turned off my notifications and went back to reading the news.

When I checked the time it was after nine and my emotions are getting the best of me. Just then the front door opens and there he was, he walks up to me trying to kiss me but I pulled away. He put down his briefcase and grocery bag.

He sits next to me, "let's talk" he says.

"I'm listening," I said with attitude letting him know I'm in my feelings.

"First of all, I didn't call you about me having dinner with Cindy because I didn't want you thinking there more to it nor did I want you here getting emotional for no reason at all."

"How long did you have these plans." I inch away from him staring him dead in his eyes.

"Cindy only call this morning while I was at work."

"Oh, I see," I cross my arms and side-eyed him.

He reaches for my hand but I brush him off.

"Come on, you know I love you and I'm not leaving you even if you beg me to." He came closer to me. He kisses my neck, "Cindy wants steph for the holidays and I think she needed closure she didn't think I would've moved on this quickly." He looks into my eyes. "I love you and I would never, not put your feelings into consideration. I Just wanted to come home to talk to you about it in person"

"What did you decide." I wasn't mad anymore but I couldn't help making him sweat it a little.


"Steph, are you sending him before you answer, I think it's a really good idea for him to spend some time with his mother."

"I think so too, I just have to talk to him."

He kisses my neck again, dragging his finger from my ear lopes to my shoulder, "I'm still upset with you."

"For what though, I brought ice cream and pickles" he blew into my ears, his teeth went to my earlobe, I shiver and he smiles kissing my neck again. He knew exactly what he's doing to me right now. "All is forgiven." He asked.

"No," I shake my head "you're not even close to making it up to me." He places his thumb and index finger on my chin. "Look at me, "when I look up at him, his eyes shine with so much love and I couldn't be mad anymore.

He leans his head kissing me roughly but passionately and whatever we were talking about disappeared from my mind as desires fill me. My mind went hazy as he cups my cheeks pulling me closer his big hands trail my neck then to my tender breast squeezing lightly.

He kisses my chin trailing his tongue on my neck and collar bone his face went to the crease of my breast, shaking his head taking in my scent. He trails his hand further going between my thighs spreading them, applying pressure to my centre. "Am I forgiven now?" he asks and I couldn't form a coherent sentence, "mmmm."

He picks me up walking us to the bedroom where he made sweet tender love to me until I say I forgive him.

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