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Sean Britto

December 28th, today is Annabelle's birthday and everything is all plan and set for her to have a special day, she has a spa day with her sisters and Jinette then dinner with the entire family at the grand hotel. I book out their dining hall and had it decorated, she knows all of this is planned out but has no idea I'm proposing to her. There is a screen set up with all the photos we took together along with some of her ultrasound photos. I've been secretly recording her when she sings in the shower, sleep, or just random things around the house, to add to my video clip.

I had a videographer make clips of our photos and videos I took of her, for the past month. I had the screen set for her to watch as I give my speech and in the end proposed. The other surprise I have for her is taking her out to Fiji on Brian's private island for a week for our last vacation before the twins arrived. No telling how our sunshine and delight will react when they are born, so I need all the alone time I can get with her. I cleared it with her doctor and everything is all set.

I know this will completely take her by surprise because we didn't talk about it nor had I mention anything along the lines of marriage or our current living situation.

I even video asking her parents for their permission. I did that in my office so I didn't have to make any excuses to visit her parents. The only part of my plan missing is Steph. He's with his mom in Italy and I had wanted him here asking her to be a part of his life as well but I didn't want to have him fly here today than fly back tomorrow to Italy then return home in a week. So I made a video of him sending Annabelle a message about how he wants her in his life and all he appreciates about her.

Currently, I'm getting dress in plaid grey dress pants with a matching blazer, white shirt, and white loafer. I had a custom-made silver-grey floor-length dress to match my outfit and a white flat for Annabelle.

My brother and his wife, mom and dad came up for the celebration but she doesn't know they are here. She has met my mom but not the rest of my family. There's a lot of surprises in store for her today.

I call Jinette to ensure they are on schedule and everything is going according to plans. My brother walks into the room, "your swag is on point." He pat's my shoulder, "Sean you ready for this are you sure you're not rushing in and is she ready."

"First of all, I've been ready. I know how I feel and she tells me how she feels and our feelings are matching each other. I want her to be my wife, not only does her feelings match mine my soul mate with hers. Making her my soul mate."

"I mean the last time you did this, you said Cindy was the one, now you're doing it again."

"At the time Cindy was the one and had been for year's until I wasn't the one for her but Annabelle and I had a different connection. For a long time, I couldn't figure it out until she cried in my arms, all I wanted to do was save her and always be that saving grace for her. When she reached out to me after her incident I knew exactly that's what I wanted for the rest of my life. To be the peace she always turns to."

"I've never heard you spoke this way you have my full support," he hugs me patting my back.

We were all ready and left the house, my brother took his wife, mom, and dad in my car to the hall while I went for Annabelle in another car.

When I pulled up at the hotel where the girls had their spa day and time to themself until we were set to pick them up. Brian and I arrived at the same time. "Hey, man" we walk up to each other greeting each other.

"You ready man" he pats my shoulder, "ready as I'll ever be," I hand over the jewellery box, I didn't want Annabelle feeling it on me. "You know when we get up there it's most likely the ladies aren't ready," Brian said leaning on his car. "I know how they aren't."

"I start dressing after Jinette and still, I'm finished long before her." I chuckle "it's the same way with Annabelle, don't get me started on make-up."

"I must admit she looks beautiful at the end of it and it's worth the wait."

" True my friend, you ready to go up."

"Yeah, one more thing the plane is ready and I send you an email with the pilot's number he's expecting your call." As we walk off Arizona's and Ariel's husbands join us, as we falls into step going up to the honeymoon suite of the plaza hotel to get our wives.

We walk off the elevator walking like we own the place to get our queens, we approach the room door knocking twist before Ariel shouted from the inside "who is it," her husband answered it's me, baby, we waited patiently for the door to be opened.

There she stands plump breast, baby bump, dress flowing to the floor and she's glowing like the morning sun. I stood there taking in her beauty, I didn't know what the other fellas be doing right now as my future wife stood there. Her hair flowing over her shoulders as the silver-grey gown radiates her skin tone she couldn't look more beautiful. Her makeup is done to perfection and don't get me started on her lips, I had to control myself because her makeup, hair, and dress would be ruin this minute.

I walked into the room leaning my forehead to her's "my beautiful lady, you look magnificent, I'm thinking of cancelling your celebrations." She giggles. "you will get your private celebrations if you hurry up and take me to dinner then we can leave early." She winks at me. There couldn't be another perfect woman than her at this moment, I take in a sharp breath, taking in her scent, I lean back looking at her "you're too perfect for me." She giggles again "don't I know it, Mr Britto."

I place her arm in mine escorting her out the room closing the door behind us. The other guys and their wife had left without us knowing, it didn't phase me because we were in our little bubble absorbing each other. It felt like time and space is no more, the way her eyes trained on me making me feel like the only man in the world. The way she not only touch my life but she touches my son life and borough so much sunshine to everything in my life.

There isn't another person I want to do this more than to do it with her.

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