Bonus Chapter - 2 -

421 30 5


Annabelle Innis

I walk up to our room looking for Sean, dinner is ready and I need his help with the girls since the nanny is off today being it's the twin birthday. I woke them up this morning with their cake. Early I know but I was so excited I couldn't wait to see their little faces. At lunch, we had a photoshoot and relax the remainder of the day. I took a year off work and plan to go back after our wedding.

The girls are beautiful sometimes I look at them and can't believe I created them in my womb. I haven't lost the baby weight entirely because of my cesarean and how long I took to heal. The doctor had to reopen my wound to drain it which was hell and the incision took way too long to close. My mom had to come by every day to assist me and the girls. Sean took some time off but couldn't stay too long at home. When he returns to work we hire a live-in nanny to help. The girls are a huge handful and Summer is especially clingy to Sean.

I walk to the twin's room but he's not there either. I walk down the hallway to Steph's room still no sign of him. I walk further down to his study thinking he will be there but passing the guest room I heard his voice and turn the lock, I see him on his phone talking in hush tones, what is he doing. Why is he taking a phone call in here and so private in a hushed tone?

I repeated what I heard him saying, in a question form "what are you serious about." For a second I didn't by his response, he's keeping something from me. Maybe he has something plan for our wedding, which is coming up in two months. I don't by the look on his face something is going on.

All the plans are on schedule and my mother is going crazy with details. I on the other hand want something elegant, formal, and intimate. I didn't want all of New York at my wedding but my mother is pulling out the big guns and I don't have a say since Sean told my mother the budget is unlimited.

Our wedding is at the 620 lofts and garden Rockefeller centre. The ceremony is in the garden followed by the reception at the top of the rock.

The only thing daunting to my spirits is the weight I can't seem to get rid of. Sean isn't complaining but I feel self-conscious about it. The twins stretch my tummy to its capacity, leaving me with all my stretch marks up close and personal. And I'm also self-conscious about it.

Jinette has recommended a few products with are helping and I'm working hard to get my body back in order for my big day and to keep my future husband's interest at all times.

We went to the girl's room picking them, heading downstairs to the dining room. As we eat dinner I was miles away thinking about what Sean had planned he looks a little uneasy. He must be thinking I heard him and he gave it away. I remember when proposed I was shocked, I cry through the entire thing blaming my hormones. He surprises me I wasn't expecting it.

Living with Sean is pretty easy, he's clean and well organized. He practices the same with Steph and it isn't much work even though we have house help. I try to cook regularly and work a schedule to do certain chores around my home. I don't pride myself on leaving everything on my help even though it's their paid job.

After dinner, I take the girls to their room while Steph when to his. I bathe and change them into their matching sleepwear. I tuck them into their beds, singing

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

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