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sean Britto

Today is Friday and I'm on my way to drop Steph at Brian's house for the weekend. Jinette is going to have her hands full of boys for the weekend.

I'm going to Guyana to visit Annabelle and spend the weekend with her. We have been talking and texting on the phone for two weeks now and she's very feisty and always want to give me a rough time, but I like the challenge she gives, make the reward even sweeter.

I don't have any major plans or hidden agender for my time with her. she sparked something in me and every time I talk to her it intrigues me and I want to know more about her.

Her guards are up, it's to be expected. probably she's been hurt before or my situation with my marriage, either way, I'm ready to tear those walls down and replace them with myself.

She's very guarded and I can never get her to tell me about herself and why these walls are so high. Hopefully this weekend we can talk and I can get to know her, where we can see eye to eye and we can talk man to woman.

I pulled up in front of Brian's home as soon as the car stop Steph undid his seatbelt and rushed out of the car heading to the door.

I came out of the car taking his overnight bag. I walk up to the door, Brian was already out talking with Steph. I greeted him giving him the bag.

"You sure you're ready for this," he asked, "I've grieved, stressed, and thought of murdering someone for the past six months. It's time I move on." I looked down at Steph taking his tiny hand in mine "you be good for uncle Brian and aunt Jinette, you hear me."

"Yes daddy, can I go now to see my best friend?" I let go of his hand and he runs into the house. "Bests of luck." Said Brian patting my shoulder.

I give my regards to Jinette and drove off to the airport.
After six hours of flight and clearing my luggage, I am in Guyana. I put my phone on roaming and call Annabelle. I was tired but I longed to see her. I check my watch and looked around, she wasn't answering, she made all the arrangements for transport and hotel accommodations.

I was staying at the Marriott hotel in the capital city, Georgetown. Since I've never been to this country I don't know their norms. So I tried Annabelle again. This time she answered saying she running a little late, but she's on her way.

A few minutes later, I saw her, the moment she walks through the door. I wasn't too far from the entrance, suddenly I became a little nervous but I watch her carefully. The way her hips sway as she walks in the tight pencil blue Jean and off the shoulders button-down blue and white top resting just above her waist. She had light make-up and her lips, wait her lips are plump and glossy. I watch as she smiles and nods at a man who then approaches her. I don't know what he said but she smiles and I got a little jealous that it wasn't me putting that smile on her face. This dude was flirting with my girl.

I walked up behind her. I went a little close to my lady kissing her neck "there you are beautiful lady." She spin around in an instant looking at me. she blushes "hey baby you miss me." She is in shock and didn't respond. I looked at the fella with a stern face and said "I've got the smiling and the boyfriend part well covered, no need to worry yourself." I wrap my arms around her waist before pulling her close to my side, letting him know who's in control here.

He looked at Annabelle then at me before he nods, I smirked at him and he walks away. I look down at her all seriousness in my face. "If ever another man makes you smile that way I wouldn't be able to control myself." She blinked a few times, shock still written all over her face. She opens her mouth to speak but I lean in, invading her personal space I gently pressed my lips to her, I slightly paused tightening my hold around her waist as I waited for her to reciprocate my kiss. She closed her eyes and parted her lips latching them onto mine. The best feelings bubbled in my stomach and my mind was blown with the warmth that erupted in my body. I ever so gently pass my tongue along her lips. I had to control myself because we are at the airport. I placed my tongue into her mouth pulling out quickly. I lean my forehead against her's, "do you know how long I've waited to do that." She opened her eyes clearing her throat. "People are looking at us."  She stammered, I forgot they were people here.

I clasp her hand, "lead the way." We walk out of the airport not looking back.

We checked into the hotel. She made arrangements for food to be sent to my room, and we walk up taking the elevator that leads to the second floor to my room, room twenty-three. Annabelle was quiet the entire time and I didn't know what to make of it. We entered the room, the accommodations were superb a Dulux city view room with a Kingsize bed and view of the ocean.

I placed my luggage, in a corner and look around at Annabelle she was by the window looking out.

She looked to be deep in thoughts, she didn't expect what I did at the airport and I didn't either. The way that guy was flirting and smiling at her I had to claim her.

Are you alright," I asked she didn't look around but nod her head. "I'm sorry if I overstepped, I should have sought your permission before kissing you." She turned around and looked at me they were a glossy look in her eyes as tears settled in them.

This situation is scaring me because I didn't know what to do and if I hurt her on the first day of being here how will this trip end. I walked up to her cupping her cheeks, "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You didn't hurt me, Sean. what is all this," she stepped back out of my hold. She placed her hands on her hip. You're married and I don't go around kissing married men, nor associate with them.

"It's almost seven months now my wife left me. She wasn't ready for the type of love I have to offer. She didn't want me." She looks into my eyes. "What type of love is that."

"The kind of love where I'm completely devoted to my woman and treat her like the queen she deserves to be treated as. Where I'm not afraid to hold her hands or carry her if I have to, so we can journey together."

"Sean, I honestly don't know."

"Look, Annabelle, I took it hard. I loved her and probably always will. we have a history together and a child that can't change. But she didn't want me and what I had to offer, she chooses a life without me and her son. With little to no excuse as to what happens with our marriage. I've grieved and it hurt me. I'm not going to lie to you Annabelle the feelings I have for her will not disappear overnight, but since the night at the gala. you've made me smile and give me hope I didn't have in a long time. You've made me so nervous and keeps me on my toes. I'm getting over Cindy and thinking about her less and less, all the what-ifs and whys. I've sent divorce papers to her but she hasn't contacted my lawyer nor me.

"What am I to do with all this."

"I'm not asking you to marry me tomorrow or this minute, all I'm asking is that you take this journey with me let's venture out into the shapes unspoken, together."

She bends her head, "I'm developing feelings for you too and I don't want to get hurt, in this situation someone will get hurt."

"I'm not going to stand here and say I'm never going to hurt you, that will be a lie. With everything that's going on shit will get complicated but I promise you once you agree to do this with me, I give you my word and it's my bond. No matter what happens in the future trust me I'm not letting go and I will never hurt you intentionally."

I place my hand under her chin tilting her head so she can look at me.

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