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Annabelle Inniss

He releases my hands, he walked out the door with his luggage. I stand by the door not moving. Waiting to see if he will return as he did earlier. Although I heard the car drove off. It's like I don't want to move. Then I remember my phone, what if he calls me.

I hurry to the bedroom picking up my phone. I had 5 miss calls from Jinette. I must have worried her earlier. I dial her number walking back to the kitchen to clean up.

"Anna, what the hell. You had me so worried earlier, what happened."

"Calm down woman, I'm fine. Nothing happened I was an emotional wreck earlier but I'm alright now."

"What happened, was it work."

"I didn't go into work today. We have to talk, I......I met someone."

"Did he do something to you, tell me I'm on the next flight out."

"Jin, Jin he didn't hurt me."

"What did he do then, do I need to be there."

"Will you listen. I'm not hurt, he didn't do anything to me and he's on his way back."

"Ok, I'm listening."

"Please don't be mad."

"Why would I be mad at you, don't tell me it's John, Annabelle." Oh boy, she uses my full name she will flip out any second.

"Hell no, it's not John, it Sean"

"Sean who"

"Brian'sfriendseanwemetatthegala." There I get it all out.

"Girl have you gone mad, did he give you some mad pecker. I didn't get anything you say.

"Ok, ok it's Sean, Brian's friend. We connected at the gala and have been talking ever since. He came to visit and he's on his way back. No, he didn't give me any pecker."

"Why didn't you tell me."

"I didn't want it to be awkward for you."

"Why would it be awkward for me, Sean is a great guy."

"Cindy is your friend as well."

"Cindy is my friend but you're my best friend. She blocks me off completely when she left. I'm not getting between her and Sean. I tried talking to her but in the end, she made her decision. So is this a serious thing?"

"To be honest Jin Jin, it's serious. I'm catching all kinds of feelings for him. Some I can't even explain for myself. He's so gentle with me. Not once did he try anything funny, or make love to me this weekend. I gave him all types of hard times but he made me so comfortable with him. The way he looks at me, the way he touches me I'm on fire for him. That has never happened before so it scares me a little. There something about him though, the way he held me, his witts, how smart, funny, and flirty he is. It does things to me, Jin."

"I've never heard you talk about a man this way. I'm happy you found someone who makes you feel this way. The only concern I have, did you talk to him about what happened so he knows not to try the same mess with you.  Secondly, I don't think Sean has been with anyone since Cindy are you sure it's not a rebound thing for him."

"We talked about it, he didn't make love to me even when I begged him to. He said he wants to clear things up with Cindy first before we move further. For now, we are just talking. Yes, I told him about John."

"So we are best friends in love with best friends."

"Who said anything about love here."

"The way you just talk about that man, what else would it be. Why did you call me so emotional then."

"I was just emotional because he was leaving. Not once did I hear my nephew's voice where's he." I try to change the topic because I wasn't ready to admit anything.

"The boys are out in the garden with Brian, wait does Brian knows about you and Sean."

"I think so, he knows Sean is over here visiting me."

"He didn't even tell me, even when I told him how you were earlier. I will get him when I'm finished talking to you."

"Leave that man alone, you know the best friend code," She laughs at that. Guess who's going to be a maid of honour again."

She screams, "I've never been a maid of honour and would love the position. I want to be proposed to down on one knee, then I will be the best maid of honour ever."

I laugh at her "girl shut up, I'm not getting married I'm not even engaged. Sean's marriage is not even over."

"Girl, you had my hopes up there. Who's getting married?"

"Ariel is getting married she hasn't chosen a date, but it's in the air."

"Your mom must be going mom-zilla like Arizona's wedding."

"I laugh "I'm sorry for Ariel."

Jinette and I talk for a while before I hang up, finish cleaning, shower, and call Sean to make sure he was on his way and he is safe.

He declined the call saying he's on the plane and will call me as soon as he's off.

I sit in the living room watching television but my mind was going crazy with how he made me feel. A guy has never stirred these types of emotions in me. He made me nervous just by looking at me. He puts my racing heart at ease when he caresses and held on to me. I smile when I remember how he looks at me like he will eat me any second. He definitely knows how to make a woman feel desired.

I can't wait to see what he's packing.

I keep replaying what Jinette said earlier am I in love with Sean. So many feelings are exposed and it terrifies me. I don't know how to be this way with a guy and my emotions may make me act crazy at times. I'm not good at communicating what I feel. I only know how to be that way with Jinette, this will take some getting used to.

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